Catch up........3

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"So first things first, " Marley says as she and Sam sit in a booth at her favorite dinner. "How's Riley doing? God, I haven't seen either of you in forever," Sam doesn't reply, instead, he just looks at the table trying to break the news to his best friend.

"Um...Mar. Riley never came back from the Military." He looks up at his best friend, sadness clouding his face. Marley however was oblivious.

"What do you mean? did you come back without him?"

"No Mar," Sam sighs  "When we started fieldwork, we were lucky. We got to be Partners, Pararescue, recovery, and medical. It was good like that, for a while. Then I lost him, we were on a mission, he was shot right out of the sky. I tried to save him but I couldn't, by the time the mission was complete it was too late." There was a moment of silence neither friend wanted to speak.

"So he's gone?" Slowly Sam nods his head. "Oh," A couple of tears escape Marley's eyes as she looks down at the table. Taking a deep breath she tried to get a grip, she couldn't lose control, her powers liked it when she lost control, she had to stay in control. Sam was the first one to break the silence.

"So what happened to you over the years."

"Oh you know, an abusive relationship, kidnapped, then enslaved, then experimented on. Turned into a freak. Blew up a building, got saved by the avengers. Had to deal with trauma, while keeping my emotions in check so I wouldn't blow up another building. Um, let's see what did I forget, combat training, bruises, sore muscles, scars, nightmares." Marley stopped for a second, completely taking in her words. " So you know a regular college life." she finished, a small sad smile growing on her face. She lets out a soft chuckle when she sees the expression on Sam's face. "Yeah, it was quite eventful."

"You say that like it's nothing. Are you ok?" Sam asks with concerned eyes.

"For the most part? Yeah, I can defend myself now, my powers are in check. The only thing I'm dealing with is trauma and nightmares. People can barely move around me without me flinching, the only reason I can fight is because of adrenaline." a smirk grows on her face "But I'm getting better, and now that you are back in my life, I'm forcing you to aid my progress!" Sam lets out a chuckle.

"Of course I'm going to help, that's what friends are for."

"Uh-uh, best friends." Marley corrects him with a wag of her finger. The duo laughs together for a while, catching up on recent events, each one happy to be in the presence of the other. Marley's phone suddenly goes off with a message.

Tashashashaaa: Tony created a murder bot, don't worry everyone is safe, don't come back to the tower tonight, try to stay with Sam, you'll get briefed in the morning when we're sure it's safe.

"Hey, Sam?"


"Is it cool if I crash at your place tonight?"

"Yeah, but if I may ask why?" Marley looked up from her phone and looked Sam dead in the eye.

"In the words of Natacha Romanoff, Tony Stark created a murder bot," She said as she collected her phone and handbag, got up from the booth, and walked towards the door. Sam swiftly moved to catch up with her.

"Are you going to elaborate on the whole murder bot situation?" Sam asked as they start walking towards Sam's car. A smirk grows on Marley's face as she replies.

"No, I don't think I will."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skippy peanut butter~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

They were sitting on the couch watching TV when Sam looked at his best friend. "Earlier you kept saying you have powers, what exactly can you do?"

"Well, I can read your mind, see your thoughts, watch your deepest darkest fears, manipulate your thoughts and feelings, and I can move things, along with other stuff that I haven't figured out how to do. yet." Marley looks at her best friend and saw a look of surprise and confusion on his face. "You wanna see?" Slowly he nods his head. Marley looks around the room and focuses on an object around the room. with a slight tilt of the head, and a raise of her hand, Marley's eyes turn blue. Blue whispies (A/N: I don't know how else to explain them.... but yall know what I'm talking about right?) escape her hands, some swirl around a forgotten bowl of popcorn on the kitchen counter, slowly it flies its way over to the two best friends sitting in the couch. Marley grabs the bowl out of the air and starts eating while Sam watches with wide eyes.

"So you weren't kidding?" Sam says in disbelief.

"Nope not kidding whatsoever." Marley replies and Smiles at her best friend.

A/N: we are moseying along into part two..... I have most of this part planned out I just have to actually write it. Thank you guys for all the reads!!!!! I woke up this morning and we hit 530 and then coming out of Dance tonight I saw that we are now over 600!!!! I'm glad you guys like it!!!!

If you have any plot suggestions drop them in the comments cause I have some plot holes currently that I'm trying to fill before I reach them!!!!

Have a great day peeps!!! ~M

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