Picnic .....11

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Sam lead Marley through the grass both people laughing an smiling. Eventually they come across Sam's set-up in the grass and Marley stops in her tracks.

"Sam!" She exclaims looking at the setting in front of her.

"What? Do you not like it?" He replies turning around to face Marley.

"No, no no that's not it. It's....." She pauses looking over the scene again. "Perfect, it's perfect,"  She finally says a perfect smile finding it's way on her face. Sam let's out a breath.

"Gosh, you scared me there woman," He says as he grabs Marley's hand and leads her over to the little area he set up.

In the middle of the grass laid a blue picnic blanket, on top were a variety of fruits pillows and other foods. Sam lead Marley to the small pile of pillows and sat down pulling her to the ground with him.

"What possessed you to do all this?" she asked Sam looking over once again all the objects that were laid out.

"I told you we were going to have a day all to ourselves. I'm going to stick to that word," Sam says as Marley looks back at him.

"Man, where did you come from?" Marley says as she looks at Sam taking in his smile for the thousandth time.

"Want to play catch?" Sam says moving to the other end of the blanket and picking up a grape. "Are you ready for this?"

"I'm pretty ready,"

"I don't think you're ready for it,"

"Just throw the damn grape Wilson,"  Marley says narrowing her eyes slightly at the man in front of her as he laughs and shakes his head. Without warning he tosses the grape and she catches it in her mouth on the first try. " What was it you were saying? about me not being ready?"  The two go back and forth for some time, sharing laughs and memories and acting like the children they are. It didn't matter what the rest of the world was facing, or soon face, they had each other and that was more then enough for the time being. The afternoon was slowly slipping away, the sun was only a couple hours from setting and the duo had done exactly what they said they would, they had spent the entire day with each other and the day wasn't even over yet.


Marley was curled up again Sam book in hand, the duo was currently enjoying each others company Sam reading a couple lines over Marley's shoulder every once in a while. Suddenly Sam decides to break the silence.

"What do you think about Marriage?" Marley closes her book and places it on the ground wondering if her just said what she thinks he did.

"What?" Marley asks now sitting up so that she can see Sam's face.

"What do you think about getting married?" Sam asks as nonchalantly as he could even though he was internally freaking out.

"This better not be how you propose, Wilson," Marley says a small smile making its way onto her face at the thought of them getting married.

"No...no, you would know if I was going to propose to you," He says chuckling at Marley's sassy response.

"Well," Marley says moving closer and putting her head on Sam shoulder. "I would love to get married, some day when there's nothing threatening to kill us,"

"So we're never going to get married then," Sam chuckles. Marley laughs lightly along with him.

"Well we are heroes," Sam reaches into the crate that was sitting next to him and pulls out a speaker taking the time to hook his phone up and start some music.

"Let's dance," he says as he stands up and guides Marley to her feet. He pulls her into the grass and watches as the golden hues of the setting sun shine upon Marley's features somehow making her even more breath taking then she was before.

Just the two of us, we can make it if we try, just the two of us.

"What are you thinking about?" Sam asks as he watches the girl in front of him slime at nothing.

"Oh nothing, just the last time we danced to this song, in front of this very building, in the rain," Marley says looking back at Sam. "That was a good day, perfect, just like this," She moves closer laying her head on his chest as they sway to the music.

just the two of us, building castles in the sky, just the two of us

You and I


Warning: mentions of sex, it's really nothing, it's meant to be a joke but here's a warning any way so nobody throws a fit :)

"Are we sure this is a good idea?" Bruce asks as the team flies a small drone over to where Marley and Sam were from the compound.

"It's fine Bruce," Nat says right before Rhodey adds, "This is how we got them together in the first place."

"But isn't it invasion of privacy?"

"Bruce," Pietro says placing a hand on his shoulder. "When you are as in love as those two are, you show it constantly, trust me when I say whats happening out there is nothing we haven't seen before."

"Well unless they're-"

"Rhodey!" Wanda shouts cutting him off knowing what he was going to say before he said it.

"What! It's a possibility,"

"Oh stop it, there not having sex in the middle of a field," Nat says as she focuses on finding Marley and Sam through the camera,

"You don't know that Nat," Rhodey says giving her a pointed look that she didn't see.

"Can we not talk about this?" Steve asks with an uncomfortable look on his face.

"Oh sorry my fault forgot the old man was here," Rhodey apologized and the group fell into silence. After a couple of minutes Nat got the drone set on Marley and Sam, she moved the video to a bigger screen so the rest of the group could watch.

"How long have they been like this?" Bruce asks after a few minutes of watching the couple dance on the screen laughing every so often.

" Not long after Sokovia actually," Nat says watching the screen with a smile on her face. Then team, even though they joked about hating it actually loved seeing Marley and Sam together. They have been through so much individually that together they could get through anything, and that gave the team hope. Hope that maybe they could get through everything too.

And boy were they going to need that hope.

A/N: I just wanted to tell y'all that once we get into the End game section there will be alternative endings, I am putting these endings in a separate book so that the story doesn't get confusing, all the alternate endings for all my stories will be in that book. This is it for Wings tonight sadly, I'm about half way done with a chapter of Phoenix so I'm going to try and get that down :)

Have a great day/ night lovelies

Also happy pride Month I forgot to say something earlier but my page is and absolute safe space for any and every one and if you ever need to rant or get emotions off your chest you can always talk to me!!

And 18k reads!! Y'all are awesome :)

Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! ~M

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