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3rd person POV

Sam walks into his apartment that has rarely been used since he moved into the compound. "Mar?" He calls out wondering where she was. When he got no reply he assumed she was asleep and made his way to the bedrooms to check his hypothesis. When he opened the door to the guest room he saw nothing so he moved on, when he approached his room he heard the voice that he adored. If there was one thing he could do all day and not get bored it would be listening to Marley sing, he just loved her voice and her talent that much.

"And so I, I never want to let you down, You live so deep in the heart of me, I just need to tell you now, All I want to do is make you proud, And even when I'm all alone, I can hear your voice inside of me, More than anything right now, All I want to do is make you proud, Proud, And so I, I'm never gonna let you down, You know every little part of me, And as the crowd gathers 'round, All I wanna do is make you proud, I never wanna let you down, You live so deep in the heart of me, I just need to tell you now, All I want do is make you proud, Proud" Marley sings an electric keyboard in front of her. She brings the music to a stop just staring at the keyboard a tear slowly falling down her face. Sam slowly pushes open the door.

"He would be proud you know," He says moving over to sit next to Marley.

"What do you mean?" Marley asks not looking away from the keyboard.

"Your father, he'd be so proud of the amazing person you've become," Sam says now eyeing the keyboard in front of the pair.

"I don't see how, all I ever do is let people down," another tear slips out of her eyes.

"Don't do that to yourself, Tony was in the wrong, he can't tell you what to do, and if you disappointed him or 'let him down' because of your decision that's his fault, not yours." Marley drops her head and closes her eyes lose tears slowly falling. "Honey look at me," Sam says his voice gentle but demanding. Marley looks up and meets his eyes. "You are beautiful, and powerful, and smart, talented," Sam says as he puts a hand on Marley's cheek wiping away a stray tear. " You're caring, and kind, and compassionate. A little sarcastic but thats ok," he says with a small smile earning a chuckle from Marley. " I don't care what anybody else says your father would be so extremely proud of you."

"Thank you," Marley says quietly.

"Hey, you don't have to say thank you, it's my duty, as a boyfriend, and a best friend. I'm here for you forever and always."

"Forever and always," Marley whispers.

"Now," Sam says more energetically wanting to make Marley smile. "Wipe that god awful frown off ya face, because we don't have time to be sad," Sam says making his voice progressively weirder as the sentence went on, making Marley laugh. "Now," He says in his normal voice. "Remember all those years ago when you taught me, Fur Elise, on the piano? yeah, I think I remember it."

"There is no way you remember that Sam," Marley chuckles as he puts his hands on the keyboard.

"Watch me," He says all cocky before he starts playing. I'll have you know, he did not remember it. He butchered that song so much, it was like ground beef. (this in me questioning my sense of humor...was that even funny?) But of course, it cheered Marley up immensely and they spent the majority of the night learning songs together.

A/N: this is a very crappy filler because I need fillers for timeline reasons.... I also realized while writing this that I'm making Marley really dramatic, am I going to tone it down....probably not because I probably forget.... yeah

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