The Sokovian accords........2

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I was sitting in a conference room with Rhodey, Nat, Pietro, Wanda, Vision, Tony, Steve, and Sam. At the head of the table was Secretary Ross getting ready to start a probably long, boring, speech.

"5 years ago, I had a heart attack. I dropped right in the middle of my batting swing." Ross started while mimicking the swing of a golf club. "Turned out, it was the best round of my life because after 13 hours of surgery and a triple bypass. I found something 40 years in the army never taught me: Perspective. The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt. You've... fought for us. Protected us. Risked your lives. While a great many people see you as heroes. There are some... would prefer the word 'vigilantes.'"

"And what word would you use Mr. Secretary?" Nat briefly cuts in.

"How about 'dangerous'?" Ross says and I let out a small scoff, "What would you call a group of US-based, enhanced individuals, who routinely ignore sovereign borders and inflict their will wherever they choose and who, frankly, seem unconcerned about what they leave behind them." he directs at me, I reply with a roll of my eyes. He picks up a remote turning on the screen behind him. "New york." He clicks the remote again, "Washington D.C." again "Sokovia," another click, "Lagos," We watch again the destruction that has happened on this earth the past couple of years.

"Okay. That's enough," Steve speaks for all of us.

"For the past 4 years, you operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate. But I think we have a solution. The Sokovia accords." ross says placing a thick stack of papers in the middle of the table, Wanda reaches for it before slowly passing it on to the next person. "Approved by 117 countries. It states, that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead, they'll operate under the supervision of a United Nations Panel, only when and if that Panel deems it necessary,"

"The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place. I feel we've done that," Steve replies seriously.

"Tell me, Captain, do you know where Thor and Banner are right now? If I misplaced a couple of 30 megaton nukes, you can bet there'd be consequences Compromise. Reassurance. That's how the world works. Believe me, this is the middle ground."

"Just because they're not on earth doesn't mean they're 'misplaced'" I mumble under my breathe Nat and Sam being the only two people to hear me.

"So, there are contingencies?" Rhodey asks.

"3 days from now, the UN meets in Vienna to ratify the Accords. So, talk it over." Ross replies. I sit up in my chair leaning my elbows on the table.

"And if we come to a decision you don't like?" I ask not making eye contact with anyone.

"Then you retire," Ross replies before walking out of the conference room. I let out a breath dropping my head resting my hands against the top of my skull.

"We should talk about this," Rhodey says after a moment of silence.  Without a word I get up from the table and leave the room walking into the hall. I lean against a wall and close my eyes thinking things over. I can't tell the future or anything but I know for sure that this situation is not going to end well.

"Hey, you ok?" Sam asks as he leans against the wall next to me. Without opening my eyes i place my head on his shoulder and take a breath.

" I don't want to do this," I say finally opening my eyes. "It's not going to end well, they're going to choose sides, the teams going to split up. there is no other way this could end,"

"There are plenty of other ways this could end," Sam replies.

"No there's not," I let out a small chuckle. " Do you know how stubborn all those people are?" I ask. "I just don't want to choose sides, If we sign who knows what the government will have us do. They would have the strongest humans at their service basically. But if I don't sign who knows what would happen to me."

" We get a place, we settle down, we live our lives. That's what would happen if you don't sign, disaster wouldn't get in the way as much, we'd be fine." Sam replies looking down at me.

"Yes but Sammy you don't understand," I open my hand and move it around watching the blue sparks dance around my skin. " This gift I have, at times it can be more of a burden. People don't see me, they see a freak, an anomaly, a person that shouldn't exist. That's a hard thing to live a life with." We stand in silence for a minute, leaning against the wall. " I'm not signing, I can't sign. I don't care what you do but I can't sign those papers. I'm not choosing sides, I'm not fighting a war. Heck, you can defy the government and go on the run for all I care. But I'll be here and I'll be waiting for you to come back if you do." I look at Sam talking my head off his shoulder.

"If you're not signing I'm not either," Sam says looking back at me.

"You know that's not a valid reason right?"

"Oh trust me that's not the only reason I'm not signing, the whole idea is stupid." He says. "Still haven't made up my mind about the going on the run part though." He says as his signature smirk slides onto his face. I smile as well.

"Well, the answer to that decision will come when the time is right," I say as I wrap my arms around his neck, he reciprocates the hug not even a second later. "We better go back in case they start fighting," I say pulling away before we both walk back to the conference room.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a hot second but we is back. Also sorry in advance if the start of part three sucks because, to be honest, I hate Civil War, The accords are stupid, the team fighting against each other is stupid, and yeah. It literally pains me to watch civil war because it pains me to watch the team fighting each other but we are going to go through it anyway.... so yeah if this sucks I'm sorry.

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