The Next Day..........21

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"Hey," Bucky says from his spot on the couch looking towards Sam's nephews who were messing with the shield. Finding out they were caught they quickly place the shield back completely missing the cover. They run off into the house almost tripping Marley as she walks in the room.

"Hey, hey, hey, slow down," She says attempting to stop the running, she turns around to look after the boys. "Where's your mom?"

"At the dock with Uncle Sam," One of them shouts back.

"And she just dumped you here?"

"Uncle Sam said you wouldn't mind,"

"yeah well get you're stuff, you're going to miss the bus," She turns around almost tripping on the shield. "Who was messing with the fucking shield?" she says as she squats down to put it away. "I swear if we don't have a place to put this in the next year I'm hiding it," Marley grumbles to herself forgetting that Bucky was there. "I am not having a mini Sam crawling around this house with a disk of metal laying around, "

"There's gonna be a mini Sam in the next year?" Bucky asks from the couch.

"Bucky, hi," Marley says with a smile before turning around to yell at the boys again. "Boys! Out the door now your gonna be late,"

"Where are you going?"  Bucky asks  as he watches Marley put shoes on before grabbing her stuff.

"To the docks," She replies herding the boys to the door. Bucky stands up from the couch following her so they wouldn't have to shout. "You're free to come with, if not there's food in the fridge. I trust you not to burn the place down,"

"That is very much misplaced trust," Bucky says walking back into the living room to get his stuff. "I am a horrible cook and bad with fire,"

"Yeah, I guess cooking was more a Steve thing," Marley says following Bucky into the room. "So you tagging along?" Marley asks looking out the front window to make sure her nephews got on their bus. 


"You know you never answered my question," Bucky says as they walk down towards the boat.

"I told you I was going to the docks," Marley says.

"That wasn't the questions I was talking about,"

"You asked another question?" She asks slowly. Bucky looks at her with confusion all over his face.

"quite playing stupid,"

"Fine, Yes Bucky there is a child. But no one knows besides Bruce so keep ya mouth shut," She says as they finally approach the boat. Marley smiles at Sarah as she walks over towards her, Bucky getting on the boat to find Sam.


"What were you two talking about?" Marley asks as Sam walks into the kitchen that afternoon shield in hand.

"We were just... making amends? I guess you could say?" He replies placing the shield down before filling up a bottle of water.

"You finally called a truce?" Marley asks looking at Sam. "It's about time you're bickering was getting annoying," Sam rolls his eyes at Marley's words but chuckles anyway.

"I'm going on a run," Sam says walking over to Marley and placing a quick kiss on her lips.

"Again? You said you went on one before you left for the docks this morning,"

"I'm taking this shield stuff seriously," Sam replies with a shrug. Marley gives him a smile.

"I love you,"

"I love you too,"

"Speaking of the shield put it away before you leave," Marley says turning around to walk out of the room. "It doesn't matter how much it means to either of us ti does not belong on the kitchen counter,"

A/N: ok I know it's short, and a filler, but i am most likely going ot update again tonight.

Here is the posting scheduled for the rest of this month:

there will be at least one update a day for the rest of this week, I say only one because I'm going to try to write a lot, that way i have some per-written chapters for the following week.

Next week I have that week long dance intensive so I won't be able to write, but if all goes to plan I should have some chapters already written that way I can still update for you guys.

I am saying this now... I give you guys permission to absolutely blow up my phone with notifications in anyway you wish if i do not update this story by 4:30 p.m, central time, US- (I don't know if that's how it works for places out side of the US...Time zones are very confusing and I am very uneducated about them. I even looked up a time zone map and I'm still confused😭)- for the rest of this week.

See you (hopefully) around midnight for another update :) ~M

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