Happy Days........... 20

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A small wedding they said. But we all know anything involving Tony Stark is neither little or cheap. The couple was in no rush to plan, but still they did it in their free time. Sam and Marley new each other so well that it made making decisions even easier, before she knew it Marley was going dress shopping with her bridesmaids. 

"You know we never discussed how we're going to pay for all of this," Marley says as the small group walks down the street.

"Tony's paying for it," Pepper says looking up from her phone.

"Tony's what?"

"He said he'd pay for it," Pepper says with a shrug.

"Isn't he paying for like everything else though?" Wanda asks.

"He said, and I quote, 'You and Marley are happy, and you deserve to be, I am a billionaire who makes more money everyday, If i want to pay for your goddamn wedding, I can and I will,'" Nat said as the group stops outside a store.

"When did he say that?" Pepper asks.

"He and Sam were arguing about it the other day," Nat said opening the door. "I've learned not to argue with him, when he wants to pay for something, he's going to pay for it," the girls spend the entire day looking for dresses, well most of them, Carol was instead looking for a pantsuit. The girls successfully get back to the compound hiding their dresses.


"Hey baby," Sam says walking up behind Marley who was sitting in a chair reading in the main room. He slides his arms around her shoulders when he gets no reasponse.

"I'm reading Sammy, "

"I see that,"

"Then let me read," in reasponse Sam slides the book out of Marley's hand keeping her spot, before grabbing Marley's hand and leading her over to the couch. He sits down pulling her down next to him and returning her book. She smiles softly to her self before curling up next to Sam and continuing reading.

A/N: So this was going to be the wedding chapter, but it wasn't going to be done today and I wanted to post something. My night has been absolute shit tonight so I'm sorry if this really sucks :(

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