Steve readies his vibranium hand guards.
T'challa tells the boarder tribe to lower their shields, and walks out in front of them.
Nat pulls out her batons.
Bucky lifts his gun into a firing position.
Pietro grabs his knife, and readies himself to start running.
Bruce readies any and all weapons on his suit.
Rhodey does the same in the air.
Okoye lifts her spear ready to attack.
The Jabari tribe slide into an attacking position.
Sam extends his wings ready to shoot up into the sky at any moment.
Marley pulls out her biggest knives twirling them lightly before her arms come to rest at her sides.
They were all ready, the aliens kept coming at the barrier, slowly moving around the perimeter, But they were ready. This team wasn't going down without a fight.
"Wakanda Forever!" T'challa yells crossing his arms in salute before closing his black panther helmet and charging for the barrier. About half way there he shouts, "Now," into his comm and the barrier opens. The aliens flow through the gap giving up on finding another way in. Steve and T'challa charge ahead leaping into battle, with Nat and Marley running not that far behind. "How much longer, Shuri?" T'challa asks through the comms as he slashes aliens with his claws.
"We've only barely begun, brother," Shuri replies as she works.
"You might want to pick up the pace,"
The group continues to work together to defeat the aliens. Stabbing, Ripping, Shredding,Shooting, anything they can do to harm, injure, or kill the beasts. Marley was working wonders with her knives, stabbing, slashing, and cutting everything in her path, but the more aliens she killed the more that showed up to attack, soon she was getting overrun. She looks to her left to see Bruce with a dog pile of aliens on him, to her right she briefly saw two figures running towards her before another alien blocked her view.
"Ugh," She grunts as she snaps the neck of an alien shoving it into other ones to stall them. She gets knocked onto her back and a group of aliens swarm around and on top her trying to attack, Marley struggles to fight back against the teeth that are mere inches away from her face. The weight of the aliens on top of her making it harder for her to breath. Suddenly the aliens on top of her are ripped off and Marley quickly regains her breath, she rolls to her right stabbing another alien in the heart before standing up. "Thank you," she says to Nat and Pietro who were standing in front of her, there attention was caught by Bruce as more aliens circled around him.
"There's too many of them!" He shouts, the trio moves to help him when suddenly they are blinded by a flash of blue light. Thor comes shooting down from the sky lightning shooting out in all directions frying the pile of aliens that were on top of Bruce and any surrounding the small group. Groot and Rocket appear with him ready to fight. "Ha ha, You guys are so screwed now!" Bruce shouts as he watches the newly arrived trio get to work killing aliens. Marley moves through the field with her knives successfully saving her energy to use her powers when she absolutely has too. She comes up next to Bucky, they fight along side each other for a while, Bucky alternating between using the gun and his fists. Eventually they stumble along Rocket who was shouting curses at the aliens.
"Get down," Bucky told Marley and she crouched before he picked up the racoon by the back off his suit and spun around in circles, both figures shooting at aliens with their guns.
"How much for the gun?" Rocket asks once he was set down and the trio resumes fighting.
"Not for sale,"
"The knives?" he asks looking towards Marley.
"Also not for sale,"
"What about the arm?" Bucky gives Rocket a look before walking away to continue fighting else where. "Oh I'll get that arm... and those knives,"
"Fall back, Fall back now!" T'challa shouts from the field as the ships start to move towards the battle. Marley is ripped away from her fight as she sees the warriors falling back.
"Focus fire on that left flank Sam," Rhodey says over comms as he fly's above.
"I'm doing it," Sam says his fire following shortly after. Marley starts to fall back until she see's Nat and Okoye in the way of one of the ships, at the speed the vessels are going they wont be able to get out of the way quick enough. Sliding her knives into hidden pockets in her suit she quickly pushes her hands towards the ground, Blue energy shoots out shooting Marley into the air. She uses her powers to propel her to where Nat and Okoye were standing landing on the ground in front of them. Immediately her hands fly out in front of her as she uses her powers to slow the ships to a stop. The Blue energy encases the vessels as Marley struggles to keep them at bay. Suddenly another person lands on the ground next to Marley and she is able to use less power and recover some energy. The energy encasing the ships turns purple as Wanda's Powers mix with Marley's. together they lift the ships throwing them into a group of aliens stopping the from progressing further.
"What have they been doing this entire time?" Okoye says in wonder at what she just witnessed.
"Guys we got a Vision situation here," Sam says as he's tackled out of the sky by and alien. Marley rushes over to him fighting off more aliens to stop him from getting overwhelmed.
"Somebody get to Vision!" Steve says over the comms as he fights.
"I'm on it," Bruce says before rushing off.
"On my way," Wanda replies to before she is knocked into a ditch by Proxima Midnight. Marley see this happen from where she was fighting off the few aliens by Sam.
" Go help her, I've got this," Sam reassures Marley who nods before running towards where Wanda fell.
"He will die alone," Proxima states as she jumps down into the Ditch Wanda was pushes into. "As will you,"
"She's not alone," Marley says as she flies over Wanda landing in front of her as Nat appears at the top of the ditch, and Okoye appears behind Proxima Midnight. Proxima lets out a battle cry as she moves to attack the small group. The four women work together seamlessly landing blow after blow on the alien not giving her a break. Suddenly Bruce's voice is heard over the comms.
"Guys Vision needs back up. Now!"
A/N:Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh four more chapters until the end of part four, I might post another one tonight but idk because they are taking longer to write since they are 1 longer 2 more movie based and 3 there is more fighting.

𝓦𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 ~ 𝚂𝚊𝚖 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚜𝚘𝚗
FanfictionA bird can't fly without its wings. SHE is the bird, HE is her wings. Sam Wilson and Marley Garcia have been best friends since they started High school. Together they face the ups and downs of teenage life before forging new paths after graduation...