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Sam woke earlier in the morning then he would have liked to rolling over in the bed to find that Marley wasn't in the bed. He sits up slightly confused seeing that her phone was still on her bedside table, he hears noise from the bathroom getting up to make sure every thing was ok. He opens the door to see Marley bent over the toilet, he moves behind her pulling her hair out of her face. Patiently he sits on the edge of the tub gently rubbing her back. When there was nothing left Marley leans back against Sam's legs after flushing the toilet. 

"You ok?" Sam asks leaning down to look at Marley's face. 

"Yeah it's probably just a stomach bug or something," She replies dropping her head back onto Sam's lap. Sam gently places the back of his hand again Marley's forehead. 

"You sure? You don't have a fever or anything," Marley just shrugs her shoulders in response her eyes already closed. "Ok well, lets get you back in bed," he says gently picking up his wife and heading back to their bed room. He gently sets her down in the bed, walking around to the other side and climbing in himself.


"Hey babe," Sam says once he started to notice Marley moving on his chest. "You feeling any better?"

"Kind of," She mumbles eyes still closed. "My head hurts now," Sam places the back of his hand against her head again.

"Still no fever," He says before leaning down to place a kiss on Marley's head. "Come on, Riley probably made a pot of coffee," He says. At the word coffee Marley sits up causing Sam to chuckle before he rolls out of bed. They walk to the kitchen finding Riley sitting at the counter eating her breakfast.

"Morning baby," Marley says walking over to the coffee pot.

"Good mornin'," Riley says her mouth full of food. Sam chuckles at his daughter ruffling her hair slightly. "Daaad, don't do that," Riley complains after she swallowed her food.

"you said you wanted to take the bus this morning right?" Sam asks Riley as he makes a cup of coffee for himself.

"Yeah," Riley says finishing off her cereal before putting her dishes in the sink.

"You better get going baby or you're going to miss it," Marley says checking the time.

"Love you!" She says grabbing her stuff and walking out the room.

"Love you sweetie,"

"have a great day," The duo sits in silence until they hear the door open and close. Signaling that Riley left the house. Marley grabs her cup of coffee walking to the window in the front of the house to make sure Riley didn't get kidnapped. The door opens again and Marley looks around the corner to see Sarah walk into the house. 

"Hey Sarah," Marley says before looking back out the window, watching Riley climb onto the bus. 

"Hello, hello, hello," She replies walking into the kitchen Marley following not far behind. "I brought you guys breakfast," 

"You're amazing," Sam says not wasting any time before digging into what ever food Sarah brought. Marley smiles before walking up next to her husband, the smell of the food drifts up to her nose making her gag, even though she tried to conceal it. Sam though, could see right through her. "Hey you ok?" He asks a concerned look on his face. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," She says with a smile backing away with her coffee leaning against the counter. Even though she tried to flee from the smell, it followed her the short distance to the counter. "I'll be right back," She says quickly before walking out of the room. 

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