Year one........4

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Dear Sam,

If you ever come back, which you will, I'll find a way, I want you to be caught up. So hears an update. We got Tony back, a little while ago, and he's getting better. The team is leaving today to go find Thanos, hopefully we can get the stones back and reverse everything that has been done. It's not a lot but it's a start. I've been getting better too, being  around your things has actually helped me, it's giving me hope for some reason. I'm sleeping in your room by the way, Nat kind of kicked down the door to mine.

A knock on the door interrupts my writing, I look up to see Steve in my door way.

"We're heading out soon, Tony blew up, Bruce gave him a sedative, should be down the rest of the day. Keep an eye on him please?"

"Yeah of course," I reply putting down my pencil and grabbing my book. "How long will you guys be gone?"

"No longer then three days is the plan," I nod my head before grabbing one of Sam's sweatshirts that was draped over the back of a chair and walking out of the room. I say my farewells to the team before joining Pepper in Tony's room where I get lost in a world of make-believe.


So, it's been a couple of days since I wrote and the team has hit rock bottom. Finding Thanos didn't work, he destroyed the stones, so we are back to square one. Tony is all better, but he gave up. He accepted the fact that we lost, he an Pepper moved out of the compound, I think they're going somewhere in the woods, maybe they'll start a family. I really miss you,  Steve's been doing a fine job at keeping me company though, I think we're going to get out of the compound, find an apartment room together. Maybe I'll start up the therapy circle you used to run, or maybe I'll just help Steve with it. I'll keep you updated.

Three months Later

Hey Sam, it's been three months I know I haven't been keeping up on the writing I probably should though three months is a lot of time to go over. Steve and I are thinking about moving closer to the city, not too far though we don't want to ditch Nat. The team for the most part have gone their separate ways. Rhodey went back to the tower, Tony and Pepper found a cabin and I just found out that Peppers pregnant. Soon there will be a baby Stark running around. I really miss you, Steve and I are going to start looking for apartments soon, I may get a job, I don't know.  

I continue to write awear that Steve was watching from the door way. I don't acknowledge it though, he's been watching me a lot lately.

"It's not nice to stare Rogers," I hear Nat say as she passes by my room, I chuckle and turn around to face Steve.

"You're watching me again, any reason why?"

"I promised Sam I would keep an eye on you," Steve said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"You're so literal," I chuckle turning back around to my work. "Keeping an eye on me doesn't mean you need to watch me 24/7,"

"Yeah well I don't take promises lightly,"


End of year one

Wow, it's been a year without you, I miss you like crazy, but there's still hope that we can get you guy's back. Nat's working her butt off trying to put the world back together. Okoye, Rhodey, Carol, Rocket, and Nebula are all helping. Clint fell off the face of the earth, no one can find him. Steve and i moved out of the compound, we found an apartment closer to the city but not that far away from Nat. We're starting up the circle in a couple of weeks, we're going to try to help people in anyway that we can. We don't know where Thor went, or Bruce for that matter, but I'm using what I've learned from Tony to try and get everyone back.  Steve's been doing a great job at keeping an eye on me, just like you told him too. I know you probably told him about how I was after my dad died, I've only had a couple beers since you left. I'm doing better I promise, I'm staying focused on my work, brushing up on my science, trying to figure something out. I go to see Tony and Pepper tomorrow, visit the baby, little Morgan Stark was born a week or two ago. But that's all the time I have for my summary, Steve is threatening to call Pepper if I don't eat something. So I'll do that and then it's back to the books. I love you, and I can't wait for you to come back.

A/N: so these next couple chapters might suck or be confusing just bear with me. Once we get going into Endgame itll get better!

More updates to come :) ~M

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