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"I am completely exhausted," Marley says from her spot on the floor of the boat.

"You did a great job baby," Sam says from his seat.

"Thank you," Marley says with a smile.

"You two want a beer?" Bucky calls from the dock.

"I'll take one, water for the girl though," 

"Wow, Marley turning down a beer, the world must be ending," Bucky says as he sits down next to Sam handing him and Marley their drinks.

"Everything happens for a reason Barnes, everything happens for a reason," Bucky looks down at Marley.

"Why don't you have a shirt on,"

"Because Barnes," She starts leaning up onto her elbows. "It's fucking hot out here. Jeez it's like you've never seen me in a sports bra before," She says laying back down on her back. She suddenly sighs before tunring her head towards the boys. "Will one of you take a pitcture? It'll last longer for crying out loud,"

"Hey I'm your husband I'm allowed to stare,"

"You got your whole life to do it so why don't you stare somewhere else right now,"

"Ahh but who knows how long my 'whole life' is going to be?" Sam says just as a shutter sound goes off. Slowly Sam looks at Bucky. "Did you just take a picture of her? "

"She said take a picture," Bucky says with a shrug.

"Yeah it's an expression dipshit delete it,"

"Wait no let me see it," Marley says sitting up. Bucky turns the phone around showing her the picture. "Ooh that's actually a good picture send that to me," she says before lying back down.

"Rule number one of sneaky pics, turn. Off. The shutter," Sam says. Bucky looks at his with a clueless look.

"How do you do that?"

"Oh my god your hopeless," Marley groans.


"Well, I've got to catch my flight tomorrow," Bucky says standing up and finishing off his beer. "Find a hotel room for the night,"

"Um no?" Marley says sitting up.

"Umm yes?"

"Come on Bucky," Marley rolls her eyes. "You can crash at our place tonight,"

"The guest room it still full of boxes," Sam says looking at Marley.

"But, we have an amazing couch that is like 100 times better then the average hotel bed,"

"It is a nice couch," Sam agrees.

"It's big too,"

"I don't want to make anything weird," Bucky says.

"Dude it's litterally Sam and I's house, we're the only two people that live in it. How the fuck are you going to make that weird,"

"He could ask to have a threesome," Sam says taking another drink of his beer. Marley bursts out laughing at Sam's comment before looking at Bucky. He was frozen a confused look on his face like he couldn't process the words that came out of Sam's mouth.

"Ok, ok, ok," Marley says trying to contain her laughter. "One that would never happen, Bucky's too akward," She says Bucky opens his mouth to protest but gets cut off by Marley continueing. "Two you say that like you wouldn't be down for it,"

"Of course I wouldn't," Sam says.

"Oh quit playing games, I've known you for years. I litterally have a list in my head of people you wouldn't refuse to have a threesome with,"

"Ok, why are we having this conversation right now?" Bucky says extremely uncomfortable. His question get ignored.

"Oh ok, name someone on the list then,"

"Bucky obviously, I mean look at his he's like a god,"

"I wouldn't go that far," Bucky says trying to stop this conversation.

"Someone you havent already named,"

"Ok Natasha,"

"What? No,"

"Oh please we both know that neither of us would refuse that offer,"

"Name another one,"

"Riley, if he was still here. Fly high rye bread," Marley answers automatically. Sam doesn't say anything just looks away shakeing his head. "See, see I'm right, all three of those names are right and you know it," Marley says with a growing Smile.

"Can I still refuse this offer or... " Bucky says still extremely uncomfortable.

"No this offer is non-refusable," Marley says sliding her shirt on and grabbing her phone.

"I wouldn't try to argue," Sam says as Marley stands up and climbs off the boat. "She's very stubborn, it's kind of annoying,"

"I heard that," Marley shouts while walking away.

"It's true," Sam shouts back. " I hope you find the couch as comfortable as we do," Sam says with a short smile before downing the rest of his beer.

A/N: short I know but hopefully funny :) I'm going to try to update more tonight :) ~M

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