"Madripoor could give New York a run for its money," Sam says standing with Marley and Bucky. "They know how to party,"
"Don't say that too loud, for all we know Stark could have bugged my phone," Marley says.
"Why would Stark bug you're phone," Sam asks.
"He's got too much time on his hands," Marley says with a shrug.
"What does it mean to bug something?" Bucky asks looking at the crowds around them.
"So you know what the term slut means but not what something being bugged is?" Marley asks looking at Bucky with a confused face. He just shrugs as a reply before turning around to face Sam. "lets go dance,"
"I'm sorry dance?"
"Yeah, we're at a party, there's music," She says with a smile on her face. "Bucky can manage by himself," She says grabbing Sam's hand.
"I got the information you needed," Sharon says once everyone else had cleared out. "I'll show you to your rooms," She says before walking away. The group follows her keeping Zemo in their sights, still not completely trusting him. Sharon points out room which were all in the same hallway. "You two, " She says pointing at Marley and Sam. " No funny business, the walls aren't noise proof. We leave in he morning," She says before walking away.
"All right. He's in there," Sharon says as the group walks through a container park. (Yall know what I'm talking about...) "Container four-two-six-one, I'll keep an eye out while you guys talk to Nagel. But hurry. We're on borrowed time," She says. The door creaks open and Sam leads the group in.
"Hey, Sharon. You sure this is the right one?" Sam asks looking around the container, that was completely empty.
"It's completely empty," Marley says through the comms.
"Positive. It has to be," Sharon replies still outside the container. The group finds a secret door, they open it to reveal steps. They hear music playing, Marley and Sam look at each other before Marley shrugs and starts to make her way quietly down the stairs, the rest of the group following with guns drawn. Faint music plays that gets louder as they continue, the group continues to follow the music until they find a man in a lab. Bucky splits off from the group approaching from another direction. Bucky stops the record bringing the music to a halt.
"Dr. Nagel?" Marley says as the doctor turns around.
"Who are you? What do you want?" Nagel says getting startled.
"We know you created the super-soldier serum," Marley says.
"Get out of my lab," The doctor says calmly as he stands up walking towards Marley, Sam and Zemo.
"Hey!" Sam says as Nagel walks right past him only to stop when he sees Bucky. "You know who he is, right?" Sam says grabbing Nagel's elbow. He pulls him back a little forcing him to face Zemo.
"This is Baron Zemo," Marley says jerking her head in Zemos direction. " I know you've heard of him too,"
"You seem like a pretty smart guy," Sam continues as he drags Nagel in Bucky's direction. "So you better become conversational real quick," He says pushing Nagel against a wall.
"How about a counter proposal?" Nagel says looking Sam in the eye. "Make me a better offer and I'll talk,"
"Stupid move," Marley mumbles under her breath before Sharons voice rings out over the comms.

𝓦𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 ~ 𝚂𝚊𝚖 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚜𝚘𝚗
FanfictionA bird can't fly without its wings. SHE is the bird, HE is her wings. Sam Wilson and Marley Garcia have been best friends since they started High school. Together they face the ups and downs of teenage life before forging new paths after graduation...