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Shoto smiled softly at (y/n) before yawning softly as the pair lit all the fires underneath all the stoves
"SH-Shoto be careful-" "I'm fine" he cut her off then she smacked his nose lightly
"You almost caught the wood beside you on fire too, no more falling asleep till after supper Kay? Or I'll, hmm oh! I'll kick you" (y/n) chimed giggling next to the Canadian flag "I'm just tired" he mumbled softly "we all are but we need
to work as a team to cook supper" (y/n) giggled "I thought we were fucking constructing dinner" (y/n) started to laugh really hard.

"Oh man sho you crack me up" Shoto looked at (y/n) confused "but your not an egg are you? Or is this another part of your quirk are you a love child of Humpty Dumpty" Shoto asked in confusion
"No sho I'm (y/n) just plain old (y/n)"

Class 1-a cooked their meals with blood sweat and tears, sitting down at the benches with everyone
(y/n) began to hand out the supper to everyone before sitting down with her own
"thank you for the meal everyone" (y/n) chimed smiling at everyone in the class sitting together
"Thank you guys for the meal" the rest of the class chimed as well or slight variations.

(Y/n) noticed Kota alone and walking away, quickly eating her food she stood up and got another bowl of the curry and followed in the direction Kota went, Izuku joining (y/n) in the search for Kota.
The pair found the young boy sitting alone on a cliff. The pair sat on either side of Kota
"Hun?, you really should eat, I didn't see you eat any supper" (y/n) hummed kindly holding out the bowl in front of the child
"I DONT WANT YOUR STUPID FOOD" Kota yelled swiping at the food
"Come on ko you really need to eat"

ignoring her it was silent for a moment until Izuku notes that Kota's parents were the water-type Quirk users, the Water Horses; Kota is infuriated that Izuku knows about his parents and surmises that Mandalay told him. However, Izuku tells Kota that he knows their names after hearing about them. Izuku offers his condolences, but Kota doesn't take heed of it.

(Y/n) didn't know this part of Kotas life and it brought her to tears
"Hey Kota? Can I tell you a story?" (Y/n) asked the boy Turing herself towards him rather than the cliff the boy looked over at her slightly irritated but once he saw her facial expression his eyes went wide and he nodded softly
"Uh sure go ahead" he said trying to play it cool

"Well I lost my mommy and daddy too, and now I'm a mommy myself, I lost my mommy when I was only 3 years old too, she got really sick one day and even though the doctors tried
their best she got worse and worse she told me that even if she did die to keep fighting and keep my spunky personality.
At the time I didn't know what she meant but now I know that she was talking about my urge to help people, that's why I wanted to become a hero" (y/n) said smiling softly before looking at the stars starting to show slightly

"What happened to your daddy? And your baby? What about the baby's daddy" Kota asked he was invested into the story (y/n) smiled softly but a little sadly
"I still got my baby her name is Emi she's 8 months old now almost 9 months old, you'd like her she's just starting to talk and is a total chatter box not only that but she's gonna be walking any day now I can tell!, but I lost my daddy when Emi was only 2 months old he got killed in a villain attack I never got to say goodbye to him and Emi never got to make memories with him but I made a promise to myself to become a hero to fight for those who can't to give Emi the life she deserves and to honour my parents for the life that they had given me myself"

Kota didn't say anything after that he just nods (y/n) and Izuku looked at each other (y/n) giving the broccoli green boy a small smile before placing the bowl next to Kota and the two teens walked away

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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