simply gave her a thumbs up

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Katsuki was at the very back of the observation room smirking lightly at (y/n)
"She's definitely playing to her battle" he thought
"So that's her full form?" Somebody asked
"She's really creepy" Denki announces earning agreements from
some of the classmates
"She's badass" Katsuki grumbled proudly
"Totally into her" everyone thought looking over at the male


(Y/n) tilts her head to the side her hero suit had also seemed to vanish and replaced with a tight black suit.
(Y/n)'s body engulfed with flames so the frog girl couldn't wrap her tongue around her body
"Surrender now before I use full force" (y/n) told Tsuyu in a low voice.
The frog girl closes her eyes and her body began to shake
"I-I surrender ribbit" she mumbled out,
(Y/n) stopped the flames on her wrists and tied Tsuyu up then extinguished the last of her flames and went back to normal
"I captured target frog" she announced into her ear piece

(Y/n) walked over to a empty room and placed the girl on the floor
coverings her mouth with a wink to let the frog girl
know she'd come back after to let her out without breaking character
"Alrighty but hurry back we got trouble with target bird in location" Hanta replied as (y/n) started to run back to the bombs location
"Sero open the windows" (y/n) told the male who nodded and ran over opening the windows to let in more light, (y/n) smirks as her body engulfed in flames again
"The brighter it is in here the weaker dark shadow must be" (y/n) softly said watching the bird looking ghost get smaller.

(Y/n) looked over at the two boys and nodded
"Operation dead body is a go" Eijiro spoke charging at the other while (y/n) picked up Hanta and ran around the 'hero' successfully tying the male up
and picking him up bringing him over to the window to fully weaken him

"VILLAN TEAM WINS!!!" All Might shouts
(Y/n), Hanta and Eijiro cheered happily, (y/n) releases her flames and smiled at Fumikage
"Good job" she chirped as she untied the male
"To you as well" he hummed, the group was leaving the building when (y/n) stopped and went back into
the empty room and gently took the tape off Tsuyu's mouth and untied her
"Sorry I scared you tsu, no hard feelings?"
(Y/n) asked sweetly helping the girl stand up
"No hard feelings at all ribbit" she chimed with a smile.

Once the group got back everyone cheered
"Good job you guys" people said making them smile
"Thanks" they all said as they faced All Might
Who was congratulating all of them and explaining who was the mvp of the match, letting a student try
and explain why that the person had one mvp, (y/n) wasn't really paying attention as her eyes danced over to Katsuki who simply gave her a thumbs up
"I'm gonna have to talk to him later, he seems upset about his lost still"

Heyo guys I know this arc I guess was in the wrong place lol but it's fine I hope :/ I'll have the USJ arc two or three days after today so we can get back on schedule of the arc flow if everyone would like :)

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