You tried your very best

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Once (y/n)'s shift was over she quickly texted Katsuki as she got changed out of her work attire and back into her school uniform

Once (y/n)'s shift was over she quickly texted Katsuki as she got changed out of her work attire and back into her school uniform

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(Y/n) giggles  softly looking at her cellphone screen "he's one of a kind and I can't believe he actually typed in the uh" she thought giggling more "I'm leaving now mrs

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(Y/n) giggles  softly looking at her cellphone screen "he's one of a kind and I can't believe he actually typed in the uh" she thought giggling more "I'm leaving now
mrs. Tanaka have a good day, bye everyone" she told everyone as she
left the bakery and started to walk home.
Once she had gotten to the apartment complex she went into mrs. Fuji's room and took her baby thanking Fuji, going next door she unlocked her apartment.

(Y/n) placed Emica onto the carpet floor that was between the bed and the
couch made of milk crates and pillows "Emi sweety be careful" (y/n) chimed sitting on the floor near emica and held
out her flip phone and started to record a video
"Hi emi" (y/n) cooed Emica was sitting up right and stuck her hands out to
her mother "ma ba" Emica babbled then started to crawl over
to her mother "aww your so cute baby" (y/n) hushed pausing the video then sending it to the bakusqaud group chat
Picking up Emica (y/n) sighed softly placing Emica on her lap and started to feed her


It's been a couple days since the hero vs villain class hero project, (y/n) and Katsuki were walking to school excitedly
(Y/n) was skipping happily making Katsuki roll his eyes
"Why are you so excited (y/n)" he grumbly asked
"Because mr. Aizawa said we're gonna do something wicked today" (y/n) cheered loudly
"He said we were doing something difficult not wicked" Katsuki correct
(y/n) only to make the
girl giggle "you need to be positive Katsuki okay" she
told him as they got to school.

So far the day was hectic the media was at the school bothering everyone then the voting for class president then
the security breach then Tenya became class president

Everyone was in their seats after lunch when Mr.Aizawa rolled into the classroom
in his yellow sleeping bag he started talking for a bit All Might showed up then explained they were going to the USJ then he finally finished with
"Now go get in your hero
costumes or your gym uniforms then head to the bus outside" with that said the long haired man left the classroom
"Well lets go everyone" (y/n) cheered getting up from her desk and over to her
case that had her suit.
After getting changed into her costume
(Y/n) rushed out to the bus

Tenya was shouting at everyone to get onto the bus in the correct order he was
assigning them, the tall blue haired male started to sulk when he noticed how the bus was different from how
he predicted
"Aww it's okay Iida you tried your very best" (y/n) sooth the male who only nods
"Thank you (l/n)" he hummed 

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