"it feels like I've known her for months"

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When Mitsuki came back she smiled softly seeing Katsuki, (y/n) and Emica asleep together with Katsuki's arms wrapped protectively around the two girls
"He loves her, oh I need a picture of this" she thought running quietly into the kitchen putting her groceries down and grabbing her camera
"Who would have known that the little punk I gave birth to would ever fall in love~, now only if he'd admitted to himself that he loved her" she thought snapping a picture on the camera "now I better get supper started"


Katsuki smelt the food being almost done and woke up, he noticed that he had his arms wrapped around (y/n) and Emica "this is fucking nice" he thought in a sleepy daze watching as (y/n) slowly woke up "hello Bakugo" She hummed softly sitting up and wiping her eyes gently, Emica still being asleep though, Katsuki grumbled and sat up as well with a yawn "it's about time you two woke up" Masaru said with a smile

"I heard your name was (l/n) (y/n), my name is Masaru I'm Katsuki's father" he said with a sweet smile "he is so polite" (y/n) thought with a smile "yeah that's me and this is Emica or Emi for short, she's my daughter" (y/n) said with a little giggle
"Such a sweet girl" Masaru thought looking over at Katsuki

"Dinner is ready everyone" Mitsuki calls out, (y/n) picked up Emica who had finally woken up and brought her in to the kitchen where Mitsuki brought out an old high chair "I had remembered we still had Katsuki's old high chair" Mitsuki said with a smile as (y/n) had set Emica into the high chair.
"That's where Katsuki said his first words isn't that right Mitsuki" Masaru chimed as Mitsuki nodded with a hum

"Yup, Katsuki had a interesting vocabulary from the very start with his first word being fuck" Mitsuki said so peaceful as Katsuki rolled his eyes "oh shut up old hag" he grumbled sitting next to (y/n) who had Emica on the other side of her
"Now let's eat" Mitsuki chirped smiling so happily that she had to make baby food again


After supper (y/n) had packed up her things
"Katsuki why don't you walk her home" Mitsuki said as (y/n) slipped on her shoes
"Fine..." the teenage male grumbled slipping his shoes on as well,
Closing the door behind them Katsuki watched as (y/n) smiled sweetly at Emica who was looking up at the sky in her stroller

"Let's go" he said walking next to (y/n) as they walked to her house "remind just encase I forget to give you back your clothes when we get to my place" (y/n) said only earning a shake of a head of no from Katsuki
"Just fucking keep the clothes" he grumbled making (y/n) smile "thank you Bakugo" she chirps
Katsuki rolled his eyes playfully looking at the girl, "it feels like I've known her for months"

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