No match for my dragon queen

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(Y/n) cracked her neck as she walked through the metal gates listening to them close behind her, she was on high alert her tail swinging playfully by her side as she smirked softly growing a little more confident as she looked around her. It was a rocky wasteland lot of hiding places but what also appeared to a volcano in the distance
"This is perfect I'm at the avantage here Im smaller i can hide easily any flames he launches at me I can eat or fire back the safest thing to do is to make my way to the other side" she thought as she started to creep around the rocks her enhanced hearing helping her in attempt to locate the tall fire man
"Crap I can't hear him all too well with everything going on around me" she thought hearing the ruckus going on in other arenas
"Don't focus on that PAY ATTENTION" she thought slapping her cheeks gently making them tingle just a little.

It wasn't long till the hells king found her she glared launching a fire attack at her (y/n) giggled before sucking in the fire her belly swelling for a moment before going back to normal endeavour staring at her in shock
"Aw come on endy you didn't read up on me when I apprenticed under you" she said playfully letting the inner demon have just a small amount of control so she wouldn't be as frightened.

Endeavour smirked at the girl
"I greatly mistaken you, but let's see if you can handle this" he shouts charging at her firing massive flames in her direction
(Y/n) jumped and flipped out of the way easily
Her own confidence growing more.

The spectators began to understand why she was facing endeavour.
"He's flames are almost useless against her fighting a big intense man was to strike fear but with his quirk being useless against hers it can give her more confidence" Izuku mumbles softly watching the fight just before his own began glancing over at his partner who smirked proudly watching (y/n)
"Hells flames are no match for my dragon queen" Katsuki said lowly almost inaudible by the freckled boy if he wasn't so focused on his childhood friend on the other end of the spectators area.

(Y/n) finally lost sight of endeavour hiding in a rock crevices she looked around for either the giant man or the giant gates
"Got you" endeavour said grabbing her tail hauling her out of her hiding spot launching her into the air with a hard throw.
Gasping loudly having the wind knocked out of her she continued to be launched in the air,
Flipping in the air she saw the exit and noticed she wasn't too far from the door.

As she was plummeting to the earth again she grunts
"I don't have time to pop my wings out I'll have to think and quick"
Taking a deep breath she shutter stiffly and let out a scream as red scales started to scatter her body and flames popped out of the holes in the soles of her shoes

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