relationship with the patient

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Katsuki was smiling
very slightly as he walked while carrying Emica as they finally
reached the hospital
"Let's go visit your mom" he grumbled walking into the hospital lobby katsuki asked the receptionist
what room (y/n) was in
"What is your relationship with the patient?" The receptionist asked in the typical sickly sweet voice
"I'm her boyfriend and this is our daughter" katsuki responded
quickly his eyes glaring slightly at the young man behind the desk.
The receptionist sighed softly and told katsuki the room number she was in.
When katsuki walked away the receptionist could only shake his head
"Now isn't he protective" he thought with another sigh as he went back to work.

Katsuki and Emica entered (y/n)'s room quickly "ma ma" Emica cheered pushing out her arms to (y/n) who
was just sitting in on her hospital bed all dressed and ready to leave.
"Hi baby girl" (y/n) chimed as she took Emica from katsuki
"Thank you katsuki I don't know what I would do without you" (y/n) told the ash blond male who sat next to her on the bed.

Katsuki grumbled with a slight tint of pink on his cheeks when (y/n) engulfed the boy into a hug "Your the best" she
then spoke softly with a sigh in the hug "of course I am I'm ducking great" katsuki boasted as the girl broke the hug
"Now let's leave this place" katsuki said sitting up and (y/n) following not long after
"Yes finally" she cheered handing Emica over to katsuki then stretching.

Leaving the hospital katsuki looked over at
(y/n) as she was carrying Emica
"Hey don't tell others,...your my favourite in the class" katsuki told (y/n)
who started to shake her head giggling "I think they already know that katsuki" (y/n)
teased playfully looking up at the male who just rolled his eyes
"Well lets go get something to eat I'm hungry and I'm paying" katsuki
spoke taking (y/n)s hand and leading her down the street

"Nobody really knows this but your a total softy katsuki" (y/n) chimed with a giggle
"I am no softy" katsuki barked as the trio continued down the street
"We are going for sushi"
katsuki said knowing that it was (y/n)'s favourite food.
((Please don't freak out if it's not))
(Y/n) cheered gleefully "awesome
I love sushi!!" She chimed happily making Emica giggle at her mother's happiness "I've noticed that's why we are getting it" katsuki said as the two walked into a small traditional Japanese restaurant
"This places has the best sushi" katsuki mumbled to (y/n) as they were guided to their table.

Sitting down in their chairs Emica sat in her high chair between them giggling away at everything around her
"She's so precious" katsuki thought looking at Emica while her mother was ordering
her food
"Ba da" Emica chimed taking hold of katsuki's
"You guys are the cutest" (y/n) cooed as the waiter walked away
"Not as cute as you..."

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