You'll be all right

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(Y/n) watched in horror as the Nomu suddenly rushes at Katsuki, the kind girl however rushed in to Katsuki in an
attempt to save him, All Might had rescued Katsuki but was unable
to save (y/n), the Nomu swung his powerful fist hitting (y/n) practically
full force, the small girl's body went limp as it flew across the USJ,
even with her enhanced strength the shear size of the Nomu was no
match for her quite yet. " (y/n)!!" Katsuki shouts as he started
to run in the direction of her body
"She should be more fucking careful she has a fucking child to be their for"
he said out loud to himself running faster

(Y/n)'s body landed with a thud against the ground, it didn't take
long for Katsuki to show up picking up the girl in his arms on the ground
"(Y/n) are you there fucking saying something" Katsuki said moving some
of her hair out of her face, getting no response the boy checked her body for a pulse, collapsing his head onto
her chest and stomach he sighed in relief "thank fucking god you
still have a pulse" he grunts lifting his head again, Katsuki stood up
slowly while he held (y/n) in his arms
"If your not awake when we get out of this I'll go get Emi and take her with me" Katsuki spoke softly to the unconscious girl
"Why did you have to try and save me!" He thought walking back to the group holding his unsaid lover close to his chest

"You'll be all right" he mumbled into her ear gently, getting back
noticing that the other heroes arrived and that the battle at the USJ was over, 
Katsuki started to walk back to the stairs to meet up with the rest of the class
"Young Bakugou we will take young (l/n)  from here" another hero said along with a paramedic said.
Katsuki sighed handing over the girl
"Take fucking good care of her" he grunts watching as they quickly
took her and rushed away along with thirteen and Mr.Aizawa.

On the bus ride back to U.A everyone was silent or asleep, Katsuki seemed to be taking the accident the hardest
"She will be fine Bakugou" Eijiro mumbled to his pal
"I already fucking know that, I just have to go get Emi" the ash blonde replied and he was right Emica had to have someone go get her
"Do you want me to go with you?"
The red haired boy asked
"I don't fucking care" Katsuki growled as they got back to U.A, quickly grabbing his stuff and (y/n)'s keys and left
for her house with Eijiro trailing behind
"My mom sent me a list of baby stuff to get along with Emi so if
your coming help me fucking look for them" Katsuki told his friend.
Once the two boys got to her apartment they went next door and explained everything to Fuji as they took Emica and everything she needed

Always (a Katsuki Bakugo x reader )Where stories live. Discover now