I'm a dragon

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Katsuki smirks and rolled out his arms a bit then threw the ball in the air "DIE!!!" he shouted angrily
(Y/n) had noticed many of her classmates had started to question the explosive boy, (y/n) just was amazed by how he propelled the ball so quickly and high into the air.

Mr.Aizawa shows his score and it was definitely impressive and everyone started to think it was gonna be simple, Mr.Aizawa was clearly unimpressed by their reaction and had made a new rule the student who ranked last would be expelled , (y/n)
hoped she could get a score like he did on everything
"its gonna be tough but I can do this" she thought


Next was the 50-meter dash was the first one (y/n) stood near the race track and sighed as Mina approached her
"Don't be so tense I know the two of us will be fine" she chirped making (y/n) smile lightly with a nod
"Yeah your right" (y/n) said happily when her name was called to walk over to the starting line

"I'm racing mom, have some faith in myself I'm a dragon I got this" she thought getting ready to start
"Oh boy, the two busty babes of the class are next hopefully one falls and I see some pant-" the tiny grape looking boy was cut short by katsuki hitting him harshly "fuck off perv" he grumbled at him while staring

Looking back over at Momo (Y/n) nodded softly at her and they started to race "it would be stupid to use my wings I'll just sprint"
(y/n) thought as she started running easily passing Momo and taking first

"2.5 seconds" the robot called out as (y/n) walked off like it was a big deal, everyone looked at her with shock while Momo finished
"7.6 seconds" the robot calls out Momo was panting lightly as she moved off the track

"Dude that was wicked how did you do that I'm Kirishima Eijirou  " the spiked red haired male said to (y/n) with a smile
"My quirk, you see my quirk is demonic dragon so basically anything a dragon or a demon could do so can I, having super speed and strength is one of them" (y/n) explains "oh and I'm
(l/n) (y/n) by the way"


Next was the Grip Strength Test, the Standing Long Jump, the Sustained Sideways Jump and the final test the Pitch. So far (y/n) was doing incredible she was getting some of the higher scores in the class like in the Standing Long Jump she pulled her wings out of her back and flew for a while before dropping to the ground


Ochaco has launched the ball and thanks to her quirk she got infinity, after Ochaco and everyone had calmed down from her score it was (y/n)'s turn to pitch she smirked lightly.  Mr.Aizawa handed (y/n) a ball and she walked into the circle.

Taking a deep breath and closes her eyes she suddenly opens them and launched her arm forward allowing the ball to be thrown into the air at a high speed. Looking back over at Mr.Aizawa (y/n) gave a sheepish smile as the machine in his hand read out "712.3"

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