this is why your one of my favourite people

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The weekend quickly flew by bringing Monday along with school, (y/n) had just dropped off Emica to Fuji's room and had left to start walking to school. Leaving the apartment complex (y/n) seen Katsuki waiting for her outside
"Hey Katsuki" she chirped skipping over to the fuzz haired male
"Sup dragon" he grunts as they started the walk to school.

"(Y/n), what was your uh Emica's dad's name" Katsuki asked looking at (y/n), her face was showing she was uncomfortable as she sighed
"His name was Shigeo" (y/n) mumbled
"His name sounds like your saying shit just like his personality I'm guessing" Katsuki grunts making (y/n) snort and laugh "this is why your one of my favourite people" (y/n) told Katsuki in between laughs


The school day seemed to be flying by as well when suddenly All Might burst through the door shouting "I'm walking into a room like a normal person"
"That is not how a normal person walks into a room that's called I'm crashing in like an attention seeking baby" (y/n) thought tilting her head to the side
"Today we are doing a villain vs hero test, but before we start" he said pressing a button, making a bunch of cases pop out of the wall
With numbers on them

"Here is everyone's costumes that you submitted before entering U.A, suit up everyone and meet me at the battle area" he said loudly bursting out of the door this time
"He's very.... extra".
(Y/n) looked over at Izuku who was fanboying a little, standing up (y/n) went over to the case that had her seat number on it
"See you guys out there" (y/n) chirped as she left the classroom to go to the girls locker room.

(Y/n) quickly changed into her costume, which was a bit too tight but was luckily fireproof had a small hole for her tail and had no cape because everyone knows a cape can cause trouble

(Y/n) quickly changed into her costume, which was a bit too tight but was luckily fireproof had a small hole for her tail and had no cape because everyone knows a cape can cause trouble

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(Y/n) smiled sweetly at the rest of the girls as she left the change room and went to the training grounds.
Walking through the tunnel (y/n) smiled brightly looking around
"Wow this is so cool" she chirps walking over to Eijiro, hanta and Katsuki
"You guys look so amazing, Katsuki I love the gauntlets they are wicked, Sero the helmet is sick and kiri you look super manly" (y/n) chimed sticking her tongue out and her thumb up.

The boys not including Katsuki smiled brightly as for Katsuki he just smirked and ruffled
(y/n)'s hair, the girl pouted as she tried to fix her hair around her horns
once more while her tail swung back and forth in a annoyed way, Katsuki chuckled with his smirk as the rest of the class came out and faced All Might who was smiling as always.

All Might explains the test before he chose who'd be your partner, (y/n) was teamed up with hanta and Eijiro, the three of them smiling brightly at each other.

Always (a Katsuki Bakugo x reader )Where stories live. Discover now