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Katsuki smiled in his special way at (y/n) before stretching lightly "I'm going down now dragon my turn to kick ass is soon" katsuki mumbled to (y/n) then walked away with (y/n) quickly following behind him. Once they were out of the public (y/n) jumped into the explosives male arms wrapping hers around his neck as they sorta spun in the typical romance way.
(Y/n) smiled brightly at katsuki and giggled
"We need to do that again sometime" (y/n) said nuzzling into the hug more before breaking it and looking up at the male
Katsuki rolled his eyes and pat her head
"Fine..." he mumbled softly
(Y/n)'s eyes light up
"Great!" She cheered happily making katsuki smile brightly at her with his crooked smile
(Y/n) gave katsuki one more hug before leaving .


The second round was starting (y/n) was sitting next to and leaning on katsuki while they watched the battles, still shocked after watching shoto's and izuku's fight.
"He will be alright won't he? I mean he is in surgery so he should be okay" (y/n) asked katsuki who just grit his teeth
"The bastard will be fucking fine" he grumbled softly to her.
(y/n) got up and shook her head "I'm fighting against Iida now wish me luck" she said "you won't need it" katsuki said making (y/n) smile
"Thanks" (y/n) then ran off to the waiting room.

(Y/n) walked onto the stage confidently with her head held high she had it all planned out on how she was going to win.
Facing across from Tenya she waiting for the magic words of start. Once the battle began she launched herself into the sky and breathed out fire across the stage cutting it on half so Tenya was stuck on one side.
(Y/n) smirked again and breathed out another load of fire cutting the ring into a smaller section with walls of fire. (Y/n) could tell that Tenya started to panic, (y/n) continued with the fire until Tenya was knocked out of bounds by the fire
"THE WINNER IS (l/n) (y/n)" (y/n) smiled brightly watching the fire be put out.
"Good match Iida" (y/n) chirped shaking his hand "yes and congratulations" (y/n) smiled softly as the two walked off the stage and katsuki and Eijiro walked on

The final rounds had been fought hard (y/n) was fighting against shoto
(y/n) looked worried as she stepped on stage
"I've got a fire in my belly todo let's have a good fight!" She chirped smile on her face as the two toned male just nodded. (Y/n) jumped quickly away from shoto "the strength I get from my quirk isn't as strong as Midoriya's so I can't do what he did" (y/n) thought dodging and melting the ice as it was fired.
"Shoto your fire is beautiful show it to me"
(y/n) asked sweetly hoping he would so she'd get stronger.

Shoto's fire side light up for a split moment and (y/n) started to inhale the fire making shoto blink "the fuck?" He thought stopping his fire right away watching the remainder of it fly into (y/n)s mouth
"Best fire I've eaten yet todo" She chirped
"WITH (l/n)'s  QUIRK SHE CAN INHALE FIRE TO GIVE TO HER AS STRENGTH DOWNFALL SHE CANT IMHALE HER OWN" (y/n) smirked sickly her horns turned a gold colour as her body turned red as she went into her fully demon dragon power of her quirk
"LeTs PlAy A gAmE sHoTo" she called out her voice sounding deeper and more sinister.
(Y/n) and shoto clashed for a while till (y/n) began to feel weak.
Shoto took this opportunity and got (y/n) out of bounds with a hard kick.
Katsuki grit his teeth hard watching (y/n) turn back to normal as she skidded across the ground.

Shoto's eyes softened as he looked down as the girl he noticed that one of her horns had the tipped cracked off during the fight. Feeling guilty he picked her up and carried her to the nurse.
(Y/n) woke up feeling upset she was rubbing her horns feeling where the tip had cracked off
"I'm sorry for breaking your horn" shoto said looking at the girl who looked defeated
"No it's alright I'll get use to it" (y/n) said smiling at the male when katsuki stormed in as soon as his match was over
"I'm gonna kill you" he said to shoto as he looked back at (y/n) who just gave him a smile
"I'm fine katsuki" she said playfully while shoto felt the need to leave and slipped out the door.
(Y/n) gave katsuki a large hug and stood up being ready to leave, feeling a lot better from just being near katsuki.

The pair walked down the hall the waiting room
"You better watch me fucking win" katsuki told (y/n) who nodded her head happily
"You know I will" (y/n) said as the two locked eyes "I got to go in now"
katsuki mumbled his cheeks flushing red ever so slightly. (Y/n)s cheeks were a little redder than katsuki's but she just smiled brightly at the ash blonde.
Katsuki just smirked as he turned around to go for his match.

(Y/n) smiled softly and gave a soft smirk as her face flushed more red as an idea popped in to her head "perfect~" she thought as she ran to katsuki and wrapped her arms around his neck pressing her chest against his back and kissed his cheek quickly.
"Good luck"  she whispered to him then ran off to the stadium to watch leaving katsuki a blushing mess alone in the middle of the hall

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