"will see the fuck about that dragon"

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Katsuki faces the girl a bewildered expression was on his face for a fraction of a second
"Why the fuck do you care?" He asked in aggravated tone, (y/n) gave a small smile
"You seem upset" she mumbled. Katsuki raises an eyebrow at the girl before he left to look at the scores that were appearing on the board now

Scanning the list for her name (y/n) smiled widely when she seen her name on the top of the board and under hers was Katsuki's.
As her eyes continued to scan the list she noticed Izuku's name she assumed to be at the last one considering the boy looked heart broken
"Could Mr.Aizawa really expel someone on the first day?" (Y/n) thought looking over at the teacher

"By the way, the expulsion thing was all a lie, I used as a method to get you guys to work harder" Mr.Aizawa said in his monotone voice to everyone's mostly Izuku's relief. Momo crosses her arms and made a comment about how she has expected that the expulsion was fake.


The new class of 1-A was finally dismissed, all the students had left the school field and headed inside to change, after (y/n) had changed and collected her books and knapsack she started walking off school grounds.
Katsuki was following her off the school grounds to start going home when the girl turned around

"I thought I heard somebody, hello Bakugo" she said sweetly stopping in her tracks to wait for the boy
"How the fuck do you know my name?" He asked her, (y/n) flinched as they started walking "oh Mr.aizawa said your last name and I'm not too sure of your first name because uh what's is name oh yes Midoriya said something like kacchan, oh sorry my name is (l/n) (y/n)" she chirps giving a toothy smile.

Katsuki's ears tinted lightly
"Well I'm the one and fucking only Bakugou Katsuki" he said smirking proudly
"And your very proud of that" (y/n) added with a cheeky wink making Katsuki chuckle briefly
"Damn straight" he said making (y/n) giggle
The duo continued on there track as (y/n) rambled on about multiple things and Katsuki just listening or only give a short remark.
At one point she even convinced the boy to do a
Number exchanged with
"You have a fucking old phone" Katsuki noted holding her flip phone "yeah... it's the only one I could afford" she mumbled, Katsuki grunted and typed in his number "now don't fucking text me at late fucking hours and don't be fucking annoying" he grumbled stuffing his phone into his pocket, (y/n) doing the same
"Well this is my turn Bakugo I have work at the bakery on this street it's called sweets to eat, you should come visit some time I'd love to see you stop by" (y/n) chirped

Katsuki nods lightly "will see the fuck about that dragon" he said looking down at the smaller girl as she started walking towards the bakery.
Katsuki sighed before continuing on his track
"What the fuck my ears were getting hot early" he thought as he walked
"Maybe I'm just anxious for training, when I get home I'll workout" he thought


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