My queen, my goddess, my inspiration

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"WERE SO DEAD!" mina cried shaking (y/n) back at forth "relax
mina your gonna be fine you studied didn't you" (y/n) said as she was being shaken
"I DIDNT STUDY" kaminari screamed
"I DIDNT EITHER" sero the three of them started shaking (y/n) even more,
eventually (y/n)s ghost started floating out of her body
"WE ARE KILLING (y/n) SHE WAS OUR LAST HOPE" mina yelps trying to grab the Litte (y/n) ghost as they kept shaking her

"Just stop fucking shaking her" Katsuki growled taking (y/n) away from their friends and into his arm

"(Y/n) said she would tutor us she got 3rd" mina said looking over at her friend
"shaking her to fucking death isn't gonna make her tutor you" Katsuki barked sitting (y/n) down in her seat.
Eventually (y/n) came back to normal
"If you guys like you could all come over to study and see Emi I have an extremely small apartment though" (y/n) offers her group of friends.

The three morons jumped and hugged (y/n) tightly
"YES PLEASE THANK YOU (y/n)" they shouted rubbing their faces against (y/n)'s happily, giggling softly she gently pushed her friends off her
"Alrighty well how about we all head to my house after school" (y/n) said to them with a smile
Eijiro walked over to his friends
"Bros can I join the study sesh" he asked them to which he got a happy nod from his friends

School ended quickly and everyone met up including Katsuki to go home with (y/n) to see Emi and hopefully study for the up coming exams
"Okay!, the exams are split into two parts our physical exam and our in class exams" (y/n) started guiding her friends to the bus
"Our physical exam may be a little more important but that
doesn't mean we can fail our in class exams and be okay with it, so I'm gonna help!, Katsuki can make a training schedule and I can make a study schedule that benefits each and every one of you" (y/n) said tapping her friends on the nose

"Who the fuck said I agreed to this" Katsuki growled looking at (y/n) who wrapped her arm around his neck
"I did" she chirped the grumpy male just grumbled under his breath
"Bakubro you are the best one to train us with your manliness" Eijiro said playfully laughing to which they all nodded.

After studying for no more then 5 minutes kaminari groaned hugging Emi lightly but the baby girl was quickly taken from his arms and into Katsuki's
"(Y/n), my queen, my goddess, my inspiration help me please I'm stupid" kaminari yelped flopping onto the small table (y/n) gently pat his "kami where are you lost" she asked gently playing with his hair
"She's using her mom voice on him!!!" The rest of the group gasped watching kaminari calm down from his about to be panic attack
"Don't worry lets start from the beginning"
(y/n) hummed

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