Ba da

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Katsuki huffed carrying little Emica in his arms while Eijiro carried the needed supplies
"Ba da" Emica cheered
holding onto a piece of the ash blonde male's hair gently
"Your mom is in hospital so now I'm taking care of you"Katsuki spoke bittersweetly Emica tilted her head innocently unsure
what Katsuki was saying.
Eijiro had a sad look on his face watching Katsuki try to explain to the baby where her mother was

"We are here" Katsuki grunts walking up to the front door of the house, unlocking
the door he walked in "I'm ducking home" he grunts letting
Eijiro in behind him
"Old hag I'm home with Emi" he called out the young looking blonde woman came running out to greet them and see Emica but mainly to see Emica, Mitsuki quickly scooped up the baby from her son's arms and held her close

Katsuki and Eijiro placed everything into the living room "why don't you boys go check on (y/n) someone should tell her that her baby is safe" Mitsuki told the boys, with that said Katsuki stormed out
of the house leaving Eijiro there in the dust
"I'll take that as he agrees
, now why don't you go catch up" Mitsuki said to Eijiro waving at the male with Emica
"Ba da" Emica called our soft toward the direction Katsuki went

"She called that twirp dad, how sweet~" Mitsuki thought putting the girl into her high chair "now I bet this little princess is hungry and nana is gonna make
something for you to eat along witj will go to the store and get some
milk formula" Mitsuki talked to the little girl.


Katsuki rushed past the people in the hospital and went straight to a doctor
"What room is (l/n) (y/n) in" he asked as Eijiro finally caught up
to the puffball haired male.
The poor doctor flinched at Katsuki's tone
"S-She's in room 456" the
doctor spoke timidly, Katsuki grunts in response running off once again "sorry about that sir"  Eijiro said to the doctor before running off after his friend
"He's gonna end up killing someone to see her" Eijiro mumbled gently still running after his friend.

Once the pair got to (y/n)'s room Katsuki busted in to the girl's room walking over to her bed "(y/n)...." he mumbled softly noticing the girl was still unconscious,
sitting down beside her bed moving the chair in closer to the bed "Emi is at my house so she's safe" Katsuki
mumbled softly taking her hand gently in his
"Katsuki seems to
be so heart broken" Eijiro thought listening to his friend talk to
the girl's lifeless body
"Please wake up" he asked softly, Katsuki flinched feeling the girl's finger move, her heart monitor started to move at a faster rate.
Suddenly two doctors rushed in to the room moving Katsuki out of the way as the girl started to wake up
"We will call you in as soon as possible" the doctor told the boys pushing them out

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