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(Y/n) sighed in relief hearing from Mitsuki that Emica was alright
"More importantly are you alright I was worried sick watching
the news because you were in that area (y/n)" the (h/c) girl giggled on the phone as she sat next to a sleeping Shoto on a bus
"I'm fine me and the classmates that were in the area just got released from the hospital, but I'm not sure if Endeavor will let me leave early to see emica" she said
in a low voice looking at Shoto scrunch his face at his fathers hero name

Mitsuki nods "well she's safe here with me and I know Katsuki is doing fine sorta he hasn't been answering much, have you heard from him?" (Y/n) rolled her eyes thinking of Katsuki with a smile on her face
"I've heard from him from time to time but knowing him I'll get a call later" she hummed giggling the older woman smiled on her side of the phone and started laughing as well
"That's my douche bag for you always leaving me to worry and wonder at times I can only imagine what poor inko must go though with silly old izuku he's fragile like a flower always hurting himself" she said

(Y/n) smiled "I'll call you again and tell you about him later" she hummed "yes now I'll leave you alone tata" she heard from the other side of the phone before Mitsuki hung up.
Closing her flip phone she smiled softly and let out a yawn "let's get you back to your hotel room" Shoto hummed as the bus stopped
"Let's go" he hummed she nods as they left the station and walked towards the hotel
"Hey Shoto can you stay with me tonight I'm scared to stay alone and with katsuki" she asked he just lightly nods "anything for a friend"

Hearing this (y/n) squealed hugging Shoto tightly "awww Shoto I'm your friend" she cheered happily before breaking the hug
Giving the girl an awkward small half smile they arrived at her hotel "let's go" she chirped walking inside taking out the key to the hotel room and stepping on the elevator.
Arriving at her hotel room she fell on her bed "there's a cot in the closet" she hummed softly
"Alright" the male said opening it up and pulling out the cot
"Hey shoto, do you think I'm a good mom" she asked sitting up on her bed looking at her friend who nods "yes you don't abuse your kids or abandoned them
you seem to care a lot for her" he said softly making her smile "but what do I know my family is a fucking shit show" he said shrugging as he finished making the cot

(Y/n) just looked at him as he sat on his makeshift cot "that's one way to put it" she gently said making him shrug again "your like family to the class and we see the way you care for Emica keep faith your doing a good job"
He said making her smile "you really need to speak your mind more often"  (y/n) said giggling "crude words and all" she said

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