Here comes the mother fucking chop chop train~

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Katsuki and (y/n) walked into the food court
"Babies get hungry often" Katsuki grumbled as (y/n) shrugs "it's because they are growing silly" (y/n) huffed with a giggle.
Emica had started to get a bit fussy making
(y/n) bit her lip as they got in line for the ice cream, after a short wait and Katsuki aggressively trying to pay for it all as (y/n) wanted to pay for herself and her daughter they sat down at a table.

"Here comes the mother fucking chop chop train~" Katsuki said with a small spoon of a mini vanilla ice cream holding it to Emica's mouth who happily
opened up for Katsuki.
"Hey this is fucking easy" he chuckled, "don't curse Bakugo, I don't want her first words to be bad" (y/n) told off Katsuki shaking her head
"So the little bugger hasn't spoken yet?" He asked "yeah except for random babbling" (y/n) hummed softly


Once Emica finished her allowed amount of ice cream, (y/n) and Katsuki had left to go back to the arcade with their ice cream
"(Y/n) can you take my ice cream the beaky kid is trying to eat some" Katsuki growled lightly with a playful glare at Emica "sure, but you really like holding her don't you?" (Y/n) teased making Katsuki's cheeks go red
"It's only because I'll look like a great hero if I carry a baby" he said making (y/n) roll her eyes
"Right....." she thought smiling taking the ice cream.

(Y/n) spotted Mina again and smiled
"Hey mimi" (y/n) chirped as she finally started to eat her own ice cream
"Yo Bakugo can I carry Emi now" Eijiro asked Katsuki only for him to groan but handing over Emica
"I wanted to eat my fucking ice cream anyways" he grumbled swiping his ice cream from (y/n)

"Ba ba" Emica called out sticking her hands over to Katsuki "ba ba" she called out a little louder "Emica is speaking!" Eijiro cheered as everyone approached
"Ba ba" Emica said trying to grab at Katsuki
"Ma ba" she then said towards (y/n) who quickly handed Denki her ice cream and took her baby with tears in her eyes
"Awww" She hummed as Emica stared at Katsuki's ice cream

"Hahaha I'm her first fucking word beat that mother eh duckers" he then said correcting himself, everyone started to laugh at Katsuki.
"Yeah you were her first words Bakugo" (y/n) cheered with a smile making the boy blush lightly and look away from her.


After a very interesting day at the mall Katsuki and (y/n) were walking back to (y/n)'s apartment to watch a movie since (y/n) insisted that he should watch it with her,
"Hey Bakugou can I call you by your first name?" She asked the ash blonde next to her, the male nods his head "I don't care" he said softly looking at Emica who was asleep in
(y/n)s arms

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