"What the fu-duck ever"

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After her shift ended (y/n) stretched lightly with a little yawn
"I'm leaving now Kemna have a good day" she said to the owner of the bakery who was busy making one of his famous apple pies
"Goodnight" he mumbled timidly with a smile
Walking out the door (y/n) had her coat wrapped softly around her.
"Today was so peaceful~" She hummed in thought as she walked home

"DIE MOTHER FUCKER" a random voice yelled in the distance "That's Bakugou" she thought with a giggle walking home eager to see her baby


"Thank you so much for watching Emi for me Fuji" (y/n) chirped taking her baby happily back into her arms. (Y/n)
smiled softly "it's not too late we can go on a little stroll" (y/n) said petting
her daughter's head as she carried her back to their small
apartment "let's put a warmer coat on you though"(y/n) mumbled sweetly
as she dressed her daughter then placed her in the stroller


(Y/n) had her earbuds in listening to some music as she was on her little walk, emi was quietly looking around at all of her surroundings till a certain ash blonde came into view, (y/n) removed her earbuds and walked over with the stroller "hey Bakugo" she chirped.
Katsuki spun around shocked to see (y/n) with her hair in a bun and a baby with her

"Hey..." he said looking at the baby once more who had the exact same hair colour as (y/n) and similar eyes only that the little girl's eyes were bright baby blue
"Ah this is my daughter Emica but feel free to call her Emi" (y/n) chirped timidity
"She has a fucking daughter?" Katsuki thought with a shocked expression

"So you have a kid?" Katsuki asked squatting down in front of Emica and sticking out his finger for her
"Yeah...." (y/n) said embarrassingly
"Why are you fucking embarrassed" he then asked only to be smacked lightly on the head
"Please don't curse around Emi and it's because I get so much aggressive hate for it, people thinking I'm like one of those girls on teen mom shows and that I'm a bad girl or something" she admitted quietly only to have the boy look at her

"You shouldn't fucking care what people think, and if they are being dicks tell them to fuck off" he announced "and besides Emi is really cute" he then whispered only for (y/n) to giggle
"Watch the cursing but thank you Bakugo it means a lot to hear that" she emphasized with a smile only to notice Katsuki turning away with a little blush

"What the fu-duck ever" he growls softly Looking back at Emi now as the sun started to set and the clouds changing to grey
"It's going to be getting crappy out" he then mumbled looking up at the sky (y/n) following suit staring at the sky
"We will have to take our leave then" (y/n) chirped then....


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