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(Y/n) reached U.A and walked into her class room 1-A
"Why, hello there my name is Iida Tenya" a tall blue haired male with glasses said or more like shouted at the tiny mother
"Hello, my name is (l/n) (y/n)" she said gently her tail swinging side to side in discomfort.

It wasn't long till Iida ran away to scold a guy with spiked blond hair as his feet on the desk.
"This class is hectic" she mumbled moving over to her desk when a pink haired girl came up to her

"Hi, i couldn't help but notice you had horns too!" She cheered loudly making (y/n) smile
"Yeah it's part of my quirk, what about yours?"

"Mine are too, my name is Ashido Mina my quirk is acid" she chirped sticking out her hand
"My name is (l/n) (y/n) and my quirk is demonic dragon" she replied earning a bright smile while taking the girl's hand

While the girls talked their homeroom teacher mr. Aizawa
Arrives and revealed himself as the homeroom teacher
"If your here to make friends then get out" Mr. Aizawa states as he unzipped his bright yellow sleeping bag

Mr.Aizawa had long black hair, a small goatee and moustache as he wore all black clothing and strange greyish white scarf that was loosely around his neck
"Hurry up and out these on, then meet me on the field" he grumbled holding up U.A's sports uniform


(Y/n) and a couple other U.A class 1-A girl's walked out of the female changing room with their sports uniforms on as they all walked over to the field

"Aren't we gonna miss the orientation" Ochaco said curiously with a questioning look
"She does have a point" (y/n) thought looking over at the girl
"If you want to be heroes we have no time for that stuff" Mr. Aizawa told his students, most of them having slightly confused looks on their faces

"U.A is known for their freestyle teachings, of course that also applies to us teachers as well" he continued noticing he had mentally lost a couple of his students

"Seated toe touch, upper body training, soft-ball throwing, 50-meter dash and the list goes on like the stuff you did in middle school, correct?, your standard no quirks allowed gym tests. This country still insists on prohibiting quirks when calculating the averages of those records. It's not rational. The department of education is just procrastinating"  he finished looking around at the class

"Bakugou, how far could you throw in middle school" he asked the male
"He must have been top student" (y/n) thought looking at him. He appeared slightly shocked since he was the first one called on
"Sixty seven meters" he gave a gruffly answer

"Great, now try with your quirk, do whatever you want just don't leave the circle" the teacher told him tossing him the ball. Katsuki caught the ball and stared at it for a moment


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