A name fit for a hero

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Katsuki rolled his eyes watching Emica who finished all of her ice cream stick out her tongue and attempt to eat (y/n)'s ice cream
"She really likes sweets huh" (y/n) asked giggling moving her ice cream away from Emica. Smirking the ash blonde male quickly finished his ice cream then took the baby back into his lap "she gets that from you I bet you always are munching on something sugary" he said poking Emica's cheek lightly as she babbled (y/n) snorted and gave a little nod
"Honestly your right I love sweets" she said with a little giggle eating her own ice cream happily.

Katsuki smirked at her then looked down at Emica and closed his eyes moving his head to face (y/n) again "I-i ahem i wanna take you on a date sometime" katsuki said opening his eyes looking at (y/n) while her cheeks began to flush
"I'd like that very much" she said smiling at him sweetly making the ash blonde male nod


School started up once again and it was joyful as always, (y/n) smiling happily as she lightly kicked her feet sitting on top of the explosive males desk. "Sensei will be here soon everyone too their seats" tenya called out as everyone went back to their assigned seats. Mr. Aizawa walked in lazy as ever but now with his casts off
"It's good to see your all better now" (y/n) and the zero gravity girl commented together making them giggle.

The lazy adult sighed then handed out whiteboards to the class
"Today you'll be coming up with your hero names, Im not good with stuff like this so Midnight will be helping with your names" he mumbled as he held up his sleeping bag and just walked out of the class as the sexual teacher walked in cracking her whip then handed out the markers.
"Alrighty you have 15 minutes to think of your hero names then we will announce them to the class and we will see if they are good or not" She chimed

(Y/n) smiled down at the whiteboard, she knew from the time she was 10 what she wanted her hero name to be, writing it down quickly she smiled happily as she set down the board and look over at katsuki who had a sinister smirk on his face "what kind of name is he thinking" she thought rolling her eyes a little.

As everyone shared their names it was now
(y/n)s turn to show her name "I chose the burning fire hero,Seraphine" she chimes smiling warmly at the class who cheered and chirped
"Very good a name fit for a hero like you" Midnight said to nodding her head in approval (y/n) smiled even brighter then and went back to her seat "it suits you dragon" katsuki mumbled to her softly (y/n) giggled "thanks, instead of lord explosion murder I have the perfect name for you...."

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