piercing bright blue eyes

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Katsuki watched as (y/n) backed up a bit as Shigeo got closer to her, this time however he noticed the tall males piercing bright
blue eyes
"So She gets her beautiful eyes from this dick" katsuki thought thinking of Emica till he felt he  had to do something.
Walking up to (y/n) and Shigeo he wrapped his arm around (y/n)'s waist and pulled her in close to him as if he was trying to
protect her"Who the hell are you"
Shigeo had asked katsuki a small scoff at the end as he spoke to the slightly taller male.
"I was gonna as you the same thing" katsuki said feeling (y/n) move closer into him

"Well I'm having a conversation with my girlfriend""that's not""hah you wish you were her fucking boyfriend you stupid prick" katsuki barked out interrupting
(y/n) in the process
(Y/n) cleared her throat and both boys looked at her "Katsuki this is Osamu Shigeo, Osamu this is Bakugo Katsuki"
(y/n) introduced the two males "aww why don't you use my first name baby" Shigeo called out to (y/n) as the girl just rolled her eyes
"Sorry but remember what you did to me, yeah that I'm not your baby anymore and honestly you suck" (y/n) spoke
out with venom between each word Shigeo rolled his eyes "I doubt Bakugo here has as good of a quirk as
me" Shigeo boasts "wow
is that a quote from the book things not to say to Bakugo katsuki"
(y/n) thought as katsuki's chest popped out "well why don't I fucking show you" katsuki growled out pushing
out his hand as explosions erupted from his hand almost hitting Shigeo

"Moving on Osamu leave me alone and never talk to me and don't
come near my daughter ever" (y/n) said storming off katsuki watched her leave before grabbing Shigeo by the
collar and pushing him against the wall
"Go fucking near her or my Emi and I'll fucking rip your face off bitch
mark my words" katsuki growled lowly "funny, last time I checked Emi has my DNA in her meaning she in mine
rather than yours" Shigeo spit back, katsuki looked like he was gonna explodes
"Your not in her life I the fuck am, your just a fucking sperm donor,
the kid even calls me dad" katsuki barked out pushing Shigeo hard against the wall the walking in the direction
(y/n) went to talk with her.
Shigeo scoffed again before walking away in the other direction.

(Y/n) sat with back down with Hanta kaminari and Mina who were having a conversation about their intelligence
"Denki haven't you learned I can outsmart you in anything I want" (y/n) chirped playfully with a smirk making kaminari
roll his eyes "you can not" he then replied crossing his arms as he took
a deep breath out "say fort"
(y/n) then said her smirk growing "Fort" He mumbled
"Say it 3 times""fort fort fort" (y/n) then giggled a little then said "spell it 2 times" kaminari shrugged
"f.o.r.t  f.o.r.t" (y/n) then smiled innocently "say it 2 more times"Fort fort" she tilted her head to the side "now what do you eat soup with" she asked innocently.
Kaminari let out a chuckle "fork!" He then cheered out laughing "really?, because I eat soup with a spoon" (y/n) then said giggling at the end hanta then placed a hand on kaminari's shoulder
"You see if you ate soup with a fork all the liquid would just""I know" kaminari then interrupted Hanta as the group started to laugh as katsuki walked back

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