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Once school ended Katsuki storm off right away "Uraraka do you think I should go after him" (y/n) asked the bubbly girl, the
two had gotten closer after
finding out they both financial struggle
Ochaco gave a small nod to (y/n)
"Your the only one who he seems to like, your like the, LIKE THE BITCH WHISPERER" she chirps, (y/n) broke into a fit of laughter
"Oh my god that was brilliant"  (y/n) choked out between laughs
Ochaco smiled as (y/n) collected up her stuff and hurried out after Katsuki just as Izuku came into the classroom.

Running down the halls and out the door (y/n) ran into Katsuki's back giving him a hug
"Don't be upset Katsuki" she
whispered as she heard Izuku running out
"I have to work now Katsuki, see you later, text me if you need anything" She chimed patting the boy's back once more and sent a wave to Izuku before running off the bakery
"She's always been there for me" Katsuki thought biting the inside of his cheek


(Y/n) sighed softly as she reached the bakery and went inside changing from her school uniform to black pants
and the bakery's green shirt with the logo printed on the chest, sighing
the girl tied up her hair
Into a high ponytail. Walking over to the cash register (y/n) planted a semi plastic smile along her face as a customer entered
"Welcome" She chimed sweetly as the person returned her greeting, the customer ordered there assortments of breads as (y/n) collected them into a bag.
Putting the bag on the counter she smiled softly "that will be 2002.13 yen" (y/n) spoke as the person
gave her the cash and left
"Have a nice day"

Her afternoon continued like this for a bit till a certain ash blonde showed up
"Oh Katsuki!, what brings
you here, are you feeling better?" (Y/n) asked worried about her friend. Katsuki sighed and nods "I'm fucking peachy" he grumbled making (y/n) giggle "I never thought I'd hear those two words together" she chimed.
Katsuki gave a breathy chuckle "the old hag sent me here to get a loaf of bread, do you got any?" He asked,
(Y/n) nods happily "yeah whole wheat or plain, that's all we have currently" she said pulling out both loaves for Katsuki to see.

Grumbling a little he huffed "she'd probably want the fucking whole wheat" he grumbled, (y/n) placed the plain bread back onto the display case and placed the whole wheat bread in a bag "that will be 366.07 yen"
She told her friend
as he pulled out the money
"Keep the change for yourself dragon" Katsuki huffed taking the bread and leaving
(Y/n) looked down at the money and put the correct amount into the cash register, looking
at the rest of the money she gasped
"That's 1605.56" she thought looking back out the door watching the ash blonde male's body disappear into the distance

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