Thats my girl

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(Y/n) sighed excitedly as she was called out into the arena to face her dear friend kaminari
"Are you ready to loose this one detective pikachu" (y/n) called out to her friend with a sweet but playful smile on her face
"I wouldn't be so sure on that one" kaminari replies back
"I fucking would" katsuki grumbled softly watching carefully for the fight to begin
(Y/n) smirked and sprouted her wings jumping into the sky while she quickly flew to kaminari avoiding his lightning.

Once she was close enough and she noticed kaminari was gonna send another wave of electricity (y/n) breathed out a ball of fire at her pal. Since fire conducts electricity the moment the fire had hit kaminari he had sent out his shock wave shocking himself while he was being burned by fire.
Once kaminari fell (y/n) flapped her wings hard and quickly putting out the fire "sorry I couldn't eat the fire kaminari I can't eat my own flames" (y/n) said softly to her friend who was dunce at the moment "Ye Ye" was all she got in return

"(l/n) (y/n) IS THE VICTOR" the speakers called out as (y/n) helped up her dear friend and carried him off of the field "what a sweet girl is she, helping out people" mic shouts out to the crowd who just cheered
"That's my girl" katsuki grumbled with a smirk, Mina squealed "ahh Bakugo that's so cute" she squealed again "shut up ink eyes" katsuki growled out as he watched (y/n) and kaminari leave the arena "come on Bakugo I know you like her~" Mina

Katsuki sighed aggressively as he grabbed onto Mina as well as Eijiro on the way as he walk out into the hall way
"I fucking might okay I don't hate her as much as I hate everyone else" katsuki growled aggressively. Mina squealed once more jumping up and down with the red rock
"You should totally ask her out dude I think she likes you too" Eijiro said katsuki rolled his eyes "she might but that doesn't mean she is over that shit face ex of hers" katsuki told the duo

"Right, that makes sense, jus my win her heart prove your better than that tash" Eijiro said puffing out his chest while Mina clapped amazed "go congratulate her right now" Mina barked out sweetly pushing katsuki in the correct direction rolling his eyes he nods
"Right". Katsuki walked down the hall then noticed (y/n) talking to a tall male with a strong build and slightly curly brown hair, the only thing katsuki couldn't see was his eyes colour

One thing katsuki did notice however was that (y/n) was uncomfortable with how the other male was acting around her "(Y/n) please let me see her let me be with you again let me in your life I love you I swear" at the sound of those words katsuki k...

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One thing katsuki did notice however was that (y/n) was uncomfortable with how the other male was acting around her
"(Y/n) please let me see her let me be with you again let me in your life I love you I swear" at the sound of those words katsuki knew who it was, Shigeo.

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