Nicolas cage pillows

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Just as (y/n) got into a fighting stance she froze
"S-shoot, todo I cant move"  (y/n) said in a panicked voice Shoto looked over at (y/n) and gave a little smile "I'll keep you safe" he said just as stain laughed "how heroic the little boy thinks he can protect the oh so stupid teen mother from me impossible" he said cackling making (y/n) roll her eyes "geez he's annoying" she mumbled softly. It wasn't long until the time ran out and they had stain tied up
"It's odd that he suddenly just kinda passed out" she mumbled rubbing her chin

"Maybe it's his quirk" izuku said making (y/n) nod "maybe so ether way let's check him for weapons just to be on the safe side" (y/n) said as izuku picked up the pro hero that was injured by stain, Endeavor arrived with grand and the hero Tenya was being mentored by
"Oh this is going to be a hoopla" (y/n) mumbled standing near Shoto giving an awkward smile to Endeavor who seemed unimpressed at the moment the police had arrived and due to the students not having their license Endeavor got all the credit.

Arriving at the hospital (y/n) Shoto Tenya and izuku all shared a hospital room
"Are you okay Tenya you really had me worried" (y/n) mumbled looking over at the tall blueberry boy 
Tenya ignored (y/n) just as a police officer, grand Torino as well as manual (y/n) huffed softly watching Shoto argue with Kenji Tsuragamae the police officer over the crime they had done. However, Chief Tsuragamae decides to forgive the group for their crimes because they helped stop stains wrath, although the condition would be that the children cannot publicly the receive the glory and fame as the ones who stopped and captured Stain, the credit would going to Endeavor, which upset (y/n) "like all he needs is more glory" (y/n) mumbled to Shoto who snickered and nods "fuck him".

Once they were released from hospital (y/n) was with Shoto and happened to be at the shopping center when a television came on
about Tomura and Kurogiri are caught on camera by the media "they think stain is involved with the league" (y/n) said looking at Shoto "it makes sense but stains becoming more popular that can't be good" he commented making (y/n) nod little did they know that because of his popularity he was creating a new world of villains that all wanted to be apart of the league of villains
"The internships are coming to an end and I'm so excited to go home I mean I'll miss sleeping in a nice bed but I miss my baby" (y/n) said softly with a little giggle Shoto nods "let's go shopping for stuff for Emi and use my dad's credit card" Shoto offered giving a small smile (y/n) laughed "man this friendship is awesome but no" she said laughing.

Shoto nods with a shrug "it's better then me spending the money on Nicolas cage pillows off of amazon" he mumbled "wait wait wait you spent money on Nicolas cage pillows" she said "yeah I was bored" he mumbled as the two started laughing a little

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