Uncle ham

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As the final event started the adorable girls from 1-A changed back into their sports uniforms to prepare for their fights (y/n) was thinking about how Mashirao had requested to be withdrawn from the event and thinking about how she didn't until suddenly
"I hope Emi is excited to see her mommy kickass" Mina chimed hugging (y/n) as they went to their assigned seating area
"I bet she is as well as her Aunty too~" (y/n) chirped hugging her pink skinned friend back
"I CAN BE AN AUNT" Mina cheered jumping up and down as they reached the baku squad
"Of course!, all of you are my family now so your gonna have an impact on Emi's life so all of you being her Aunts and Uncles will be perfect"

Mina squealed at what (y/n) had said and hugged her tighter while the boys cheered
"Uncle Sero or Uncle Hanta which one sounds better" Hanta asked his lighting friend
"I feel like Uncle Hanta could go as Uncle hat or Uncle Ham" Kaminari said making Hanta roll his eyes "thanks detective pikachu" he then grumbled
"Guys the first match is starting" (y/n) chirped as all their attention went to the first fight Izuku vs Hitoshi
"I hope izuku remembers what I said" (y/n) hummed softly to herself then sat down next to katsuki
"Who the fuck is Uraraka" katsuki asked his favourite person he also seemed to have something clearly on his mind
"She is a sweet strong girl in our class, but is something wrong it looks like something is on your mind" (y/n) asked the male who just shrugged it off
"Nope" he grunts making (y/n) nod
"Okay, but you know I'm here for you right" she whispered softly so only he could hear
"Yeah I know" he mumbled back quietly then ruffled her hair.

The first match had begun
(Y/n) was gritting her teeth watching Hitoshi insult her favourite green bean
"He is trying to piss off Midoriya" (y/n) mumbled clearly annoyed "aw shit here we go again with the mind control" Hanta said making (y/n) nod "but it's a strong quirk" (y/n) commented she thought that izuku would then loose once Hitoshi's quirk was activated

"Come on Midoriya you got this" (y/n) softly whispers watching izuku win his match
"MIDORIYA IZUKU IS THE VICTOR" Midnight announces to the crowd of people
(Y/n) sighed softly in relief as the second match was soon to begin and quickly she went to the waiting room but not without an out of character katsuki telling her to kickass or else.

The match began between Shoto and Hanta sadly for (y/n)'s close friend the battle had ended quickly with him loosing and being covered in ice "TODOROKI SHOTO IS THE VICTOR" Midnight called out to the roaring crowd of people. (y/n) shook her head and took a deep breath slapping her cheeks she was announced to the arena "I got this"

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