Tokoyami please tell me that's not your cousin

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The strange vortex like thing started to spread out as a hand reached out from the swirling forming hole, as a face with a large disembodied hand covering most of their features, besides the
hand the most distinctive feature was the long tangly looking bright
blue hair and red eyes shone between the
disembodied hand's fingers
more people came out of the vortex as well as they marched towards the stairs
"Aww fudge i don't like this" (y/n) thought

"Is this apart of the lesson like at the entrance exam" Eijiro asked concerned
"Don't move" Mr.Aizawa barked, the homeroom teacher hopped on the rail
of the stairs pulling his yellow goggles over his
eyes "those are villains" he explains to the class
(Y/n) stared in aw till
she felt a hand on her head
"Don't worry we got this" Katsuki mumbled softly suddenly a large hulk of a bird with its brain exposed walked out of the misty swirl
"Katsuki, remember
what I asked you,
just in case" (y/n) told the boy softly

Katsuki was shocked looking at (y/n) shaking his head
no "nothing bad will happen" he said
The bird monster snarled it's teeth sorta
"Tokoyami please tell me that's
not your cousin" Denki asked
"I'll tell you now it's not" the nice
bird boy said bluntly
"What's that thing" the (h/c) haired girl asked worriedly
Everyone at first was sure that the villains would be easy to fight against since they had to be stupid and foolish enough to attack U.A high especially with the strong pro hero teachers ready at any moment
to keep their students safe

The blue haired villain with the hand on his face started to talk about
his goal to take down the symbol of peace
"He has got to be joking" (y/n) mumbled
"Eraser head and thirteen, the schedule showed that All Might would be here" the misty
vortex villain spoke to the
blue haired villain "the trespassing early this week must have been
the works of these dimwits" Mr.Aizawa spoke
walking forwards to fight the villains
"Where is that stupid symbol?, I went through all this trouble of bringing
all theses punks here too and that stupid All Might doesn't show" the disembodied hand on face guy spoke

They were after All Might everyone concluded everyone felt less worried they were surely mistaken to underestimate the power of Mr.Aizawa and 1-A, Mr. Aizawa's hair and scarf flew up into the sky signalling 
that his quirk was in use, Momo noticed that
the trespasser sensors
weren't activated to which she asked the space hero who wasn't too
sure them self
"Do you think they only showed up here or around the whole school" Eijiro asked (y/n) looked at the red head and shrugged
"I'm not sure but since the sensors aren't going off it must mean
one of the villains have a quirk that can stop it" (y/n) hummed shoto nods "they may be fools
for planning an attack on U.A but it was certainly well thought out with their goal in mind" shoto added

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