getting hurt because of his quirk

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The students of 1-A seemed to be shocked looking at the score, all except for one who was angrily glaring at the (h/c) girl. Stepping back from the circle (y/n) felt a strong tug on her shoulder, turning around she was face first with the fuming blonde
"Is there something I can help you with Bakugou?" She asked curiously
"what the hell was that, how the fuck did you do that?" He asked in hush voice as he was practically shaking with anger

The (h/c) girl gave a awkward smile "I just used my quirk is all..." she said a little scared to look him in the eyes
"What the fuck I thought you had some speed quirk?" He grumbled. (Y/n) shook her head
"I have a quirk called
demonic dragon, it's kinda a enhancement quirk but along with stuff people would associate with dragons and demons" she said smiling a little proudly now

Katsuki rolled his eyes and went back to watching the quirk assessment test beside the shorter girl who was watching
interestingly her fellow classmates go, Izuku was the next one to go as he timidly walked
up to the circle
"Wasn't he that guy that people were talking about getting hurt because of his quirk" (y/n) thought looking concerned before turning and facing Katsuki who was glaring even more intensely.

Izuku was standing in the circle in thought for a moment or two before he threw the ball with everything he had, suddenly
the teachers hair and scarf started floating upwards
as if they had no more gravity. When the ball landed the machine read 43 meters, Izuku was shocked and started to mumble softly about what had happened. Shortly after he looked over at the teacher, Mr. Aizawa pulled Izuku over and they chatted for
a couple seconds before the green haired boy walked back into the circle

Izuku took a deep breath before launching the ball once more "SMASH!" He belted out
"That's two people who shout when they throw..." (y/n) thought
watching as the ball started to sore,  "the ball blasted off like mine and Bakugou's.....exciting!" (Y/n) thought as a smile grew on her face "but I wonder if he's hurt?" (Y/n) then questioned

(Y/n) noticed that Izuku's finger was bruised badly "well at least it isn't too bad I hope...."
(Y/n) turns towards Katsuki as he started to storm off "Bakugou stop" I said as he started to bolt at the boy, Mr. Aizawa
caught Katsuki before he could hit the poor Izuku.
"You guys are giving me serious dry eyes" the teacher grumbled lowly.
(y/n) felt bad for the teacher before she turned towards Izuku watching as he slowly backed away from Katsuki and went towards his friends.

"Bakugou come here will ya" (y/n) asked as the blonde was released only to be giving another glare as he marched over to the girl who called him over. Katsuki seemed to be zoned out leaving (y/n) to start snapping her fingers in front of his face, glaring down at the girl Katsuki sight frustratedly
"Is everything alright?" (Y/n) asked softly


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