Shes perfect for me

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It wasn't long until Katsuki and Eijiro we're allowed in the room, (y/n) had a panicked look on her face
as Katsuki rushed over
"Where's my baby" she asked extremely worriedly, the ash blonde male took her hands in his "She's safe with
my old hag she's gonna stay with me till your out" Katsuki spoke
smiling a ghost smile watching the girl sigh in relief
"Oh thank goodness those doctors had no idea what I was talking about" (y/n) mumbled springing onto Katsuki in a tight comforting hug "You had me
worried sick" Katsuki huffed softy cuddling into the girl showing her and accidentally Eijiro his soft side which was something that the two would never forget

Eijiro finally walked over once the hug was broken and ruffled (y/n)'s hair
"You gave us quite
the scare (y/n)" he said giving her a weak laugh (y/n) smiled softly and nods "s-sorry about that" she mumbled.
The red haired male chuckled lightly
"No need to apologize,
everyone will just be happy your okay" Eijiro said to the hospitalized girl, (y/n) smiled warmly at him
"Yeah, that's why I love our class so much everyone is so kind and caring and looks out for one another " She chimed.
Eijiro nods his head with a smile then looked over at Katsuki who was standing close to (y/n) in a protective way as if at any moment someone could try and hurt her
"I better hurry on home
now my folks will be worried" he said to the duo as he noticed (y/n) seemed awfully tired. (Y/n) nods gently and gave Eijiro a hug
"Text the group chat when
you get home so we know your safe" (y/n) chimed to Eijiro "She's like the class mom, she cares about everyone" he thought as he was walking away
"Will do" he said playfully then left the room

Once Eijiro was gone (y/n) rested her head on Katsuki's shoulder
"I don't know what I would do without you Katsuki" she mumbled softly cuddling into his shoulder as she seemed to be falling asleep, Katsuki sighed softly and gently laid her down on her bed "go to sleep dragon" he mumbled softly tucking her in and moving some hair out of her face
"Night, I love you" (y/n) mumbled very softly then fell into a comfortable slumber
"FUCK MY FACE IS FUCKING BURNING SHIT IM FUCKING BLUSHING" Katsuki thought looking down at the girl with flaming red cheeks "she probably just said that out of habit" Katsuki mumbled softly to himself moving some more hair out of her face
"I love you too dragon" he ghostly whispered to her with a sigh and stood up
"She's making me so fucking soft, I just want her to always be there" he thought stretching lightly and walking over to the door
"Shes perfect for me" he thought opening the door and walking out closing it quietly

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