Wild wild pussycats!

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Mitsuki wanted Emica to stay with them while the two left for the training camp
Handing Mitsuki Emica's bag (y/n) let out a yawn as katsuki put on his school shoes.
The pair of U.A student's sluggishly walked to school with sleep still in their eyes.
Arriving at school (y/n) blinked watching Itsuka drag Neito by the foot away from the class 1-a bus
"That kid needs a time out" (y/n) mumbled letting out another yawn
"Didn't sleep well?" Ochaco asked softly earning a sleepy smile and a nod
"Poor Emi just wouldn't sleep she kept crying every time I put her down" (y/n) mumbled between yawns as Tenya guided everyone on the bus.

"Wah thanks class dad" (y/n) yawned out stepping onto the bus she noticed her porcupine in the back of the bus with some earbuds in, walking over she sat next to him and rested her head on his shoulder, it wasn't long till the teen mom was fast asleep
"She's gonna gets herself sick, fucking dragon needs to learn to take fuckin care of her fucking body just as much as she takes care of emi" the ash blonde thought hearing the girl on his shoulder breath deeply snoring ever so softly occasionally.

On the bus, Shota tries to inform his students that the bus will be stopping in one-hour intervals. However, Class 1-A are either fooling around, talking loudly or asleep and pay no attention to their teacher. Shota decides to let their behavior slide smirking since that their days of fooling around are numbered.

The bus slowed down to a stop, waking (y/n) up. Class 1-a got off the bus to stretch their legs
"Guys 1-B isn't here" (y/n) mumbled quietly pointing to the lack of second bus in the area. Suddenly what appeared to be two cat girls appeared suddenly out of thin air 
"Lock on these with sparkling gazes!"
"Stingingly cute and cat-like~"
"Wild! Wild! Pussycats!" The pair of cat hero's squealed out as they held a little pose, Suddenly their attention was on their homeroom teacher again
"These are the hero's that we are going to be working and training with during this training camp, the pussycats" he lazily said glancing over at the women's house just nodded excitedly.

(Y/n) glances over at izuku and sweat drops
"Green bean sweety your fan boy is coming out" (y/n) hummed petting the boy on the shoulder as he gushed about the veteran pro hero's
"This is gonna be their twelfth year working-" (y/n) jumped back as a paw like gloved was shoved on Izuku's mouth cutting off his sentence
"I'm eighteen at heart" the pro hero pixie bob whines looking at the two students, (y/n) nods
"Right sorry mrs pixiebob" (y/n) chimed

The brown-haired pro hero explains to Class 1-A that they will be staying at the base of a mountain which is a part of their domain. they have three hours to reach the base of the mountain using their Quirks as they please and those who don't arrive there by 12:30 pm won't be served lunch.
"G-guys on the count of three everyone run to the bus"
"Three... RUN!" Denki shouts only a few of the classmates ran towards the bus which then started to drive off and the class all fell down the hill thanks to pixie-bobs quirk.

So guys I was thinking of giving away some previews of the second book of this series called growing pains! How I plan on doing this is an art contest it could be of how you imagine (y/n) is or your favourite scene or a scene you would love to see, but before I jumped ahead and done it I wanted to see how many people were interested depending on the amount of people will determine how many previews I'll give out

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