The two lost souls

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The two lost souls who sat in the hall way together in the silent healed together with the words that would soon be said
"You had me so so worried sick" (y/n) mumbled moving in closer to Katsuki, the male just draped his arm around her shoulder and nods "I-i know, I could hear it from my ear piece" he mumbled to her, (y/n) nods as the pair stood up, (y/n) wrapping her arms tightly around Katsuki's waist hugging him close as if the moment she'd let him go he'd fade to dust
"Don't scare me like that again" (y/n) whispered
Katsuki sighed wrapping his arms around the girl too, only she
could see this soft side, it was for her eyes only "alright dragon" he hummed.

The pair broke apart the hug and looked at each other
"Let's head back to the observation room"
(y/n) said softly, Katsuki nodded his head and the two started to walk back together.
Once they were back in the room Eijiro and Hanta rushes over to the small girl
"(Y/n) when we noticed you were gone we got so worried" they said in sync, (y/n) gave a soft smile

"You don't have to worry about me guys I'm fine" she said with a giggle
"I just went to the bathroom and took a wrong turn by accident" She hummed, Katsuki was shocked that she was lying to make the boys feel better "Why would she do that?" He thought as he walked away from them
"I think are team is gonna be the next one so are you guys ready to rumble?" Eijiro asked the two
(Y/n) nods with a smile growing on her face and her tail swinging
from side to side
"Let's win this"she chirps proudly


(Y/n), Hanta and Eijiro were gonna be the villains in their battle while Fumikage and Tsuyu were gonna be the heroes
(Y/n) had spoke with Eijiro and Hanta about a plan to keep the bomb safe,
The teams final strategy was for Hanta to tape the bomb to the ceiling and Eijiro to guard the bomb while (y/n) and Hanta went to either stop or capture the 'heroes'
(Y/n) hid in the entrance way closest to where the heroes would come from just as she had her tail wrap around the light she was holding onto
All Might announced
that the battle had begun.

Tsuyu was the first one to encounter (y/n), the (h/c) haired girl kept a close eye on the frog like girl watching her every move, "lets shake this up a bit" (y/n)
thought as she broke the bulb with her tail turning the light off in the room, then she started to rattle random
pipes and ceiling parts in hopes of frightening the girl.
(Y/n) continued to make creepy sounds that were now either coming from her hitting stuff with her tail or making
sounds with her mouth, she eventually got Tsuyu into a corner and jumped down in her full demonic dragon form
"Game over froggy"

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