sounds of the birds

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(Y/n) sighed softly hearing the quiet cry's of Emica at 2 o'clock in the morning, walking over to the small cheap crib (y/n) gently picked up Emica and walked back over to her own bed and started rocking her back and forth quietly shushing her in attempt to sooth her baby.

"I'm gonna be dead by the morning before school" (y/n) mumbled softly kissing Emica's head and putting her in the bed next to herself as one of her pillows went on the wall to stop the baby from hurting herself

(Y/n) closes her eyes and eventually fell asleep listening to the soft breaths of her child.


Waking up at 6:30 (y/n) rubbed her eyes tiredly and sat up leaving Emica in the bed as she went over to the bathroom the only separate room in her tiny appartement. Brushing her teeth (y/n) rubbed her eyes once more before walking out of the bathroom and putting Emica in her crib while she grabbed her uniform.

Going back into the bathroom (y/n) quickly got a shower then changed into her uniform and brushed her wet hair while drying it.
Leaving the bathroom again she changed Emica's diaper and changed her into her clothes and placed her in her high chair handing her a bottle while she ate a small bowl of cereal
"I'm sleepy" she thought watching her daughter

(Y/n) knew she was too young to "safely" have a daughter without being called hurtful words but when she herself fell pregnant even being someone who was pro choice, abortion or adoption just didn't feel right she knew she needed the baby in her life and she was right, but she just couldn't do it herself. Looking at Emica she smiles softly at her bright baby blue eyes, they were identical to his, the one who left her all alone after pressuring her into sex

"Time to go to Fuji's house, Emi"
(y/n) chirped picking up her daughter, her book bag and Emica's bottles she walked across the hall to her neighbors house and opened the door
"Hello Fuji" she chirped happily at the older women in her 50's
"How are you (y/n) my sweets" Fuji asked taking Emica out of
(y/n)s arms and embarrassed the girl

"I'm good, sleepy but good" she said smiling at the brunette older women who seemed to be getting gray hairs "you must be your such a strong person you know (n/n), you accidentally got pregnant, kept the kid raising her wonderfully, got recommendations into U.A's hero course" the older women boasts making (y/n) laugh lightly

"I guess your right" she said and hugged Fuji and Emica "I'll be back around 5 today I have work after school, thank you Fuji I'll see you later" and with that she kissed Emica on the head and left

Walking to school (y/n) happily hummed at time "hopefully if I become a hero I'll be able to give a better more comfortable life for Emi and Fuji too" she thought with a smile listening to  the sounds of the birds from the early morning


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