I-I won't let anything fucking happen to you

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Once they arrived at (y/n)'s apartment Katsuki noticed how it was in a sketchier part of the city "I'm gonna walk you to your room" he mumbled slightly unsure
about how unsettling this place was and how (y/n) were living here

"This is pretty fucking sketchy" Katsuki grumbled as they reached (y/n) room on the third floor "yeah agree but it's the cheapest rent so it's more affordable" (y/n) spoke unlocking the door she pushed the stroller through and picks up Emica and puts her in her crib
"This place is the size of my bedroom" the ash blonde male grumbled making (y/n) nod, Katsuki looked over at the small single bed with cheap old looking sheets then looked over at Emica's which looked a lot nicer
"You shouldn't be fucking sleeping on those sheets they look like there about to break" he commented

"Agree but my money went into Emica's sheets I had to get her a different kind since her poor baby skin reacted to it and I had to take her to the doctor" she said sitting down on a crate with a pillow on it
Katsuki sat down on another crate and pillow in front of (y/n)
"I have a favour to ask" (y/n) started with a soft whispered, Katsuki lifted his head towards her
"I know I haven't known you long but it feels like forever, there's just something about you that's trustworthy, the thing is if something ever happens to me can you take Emi for me, or if I don't make it as a hero, I want the best for emi, I don't want her to grow up in a place like this" (y/n) croaked our tears forming in her eyes

"Not a fucking chance""what..." " you'll become a fucking hero nothing is fucking going to fucking happen to you I-I won't let anything fucking happen to you, so it won't be necessary for me to take your kid away from you" he said staring at her
"Bakugo...., you known even though everyone already thinks your mean I think you have the biggest heart, your my hero and soon to be so many other people's hero's" (y/n) told him wiping her eyes

Katsuki bit the inside of his cheek "what the fuck is this girl doing to me" he asked himself as (y/n) had gotten a glass of water
"Sorry for crying a little today I'm just a bit emotional today, mother hormone stuff" she said in a joking manner, the ash blonde male sighed and sat up
"I better head off now dragon" he said walking over towards the door with (y/n) following behind him
"Text me when you get home so I know you go home safe, even though nothing is going to happen it's just..""I know" he interrupted her ruffling her hair "your a fucking dork worrying all the fucking time"
he teased making the girl pout "you'll understand when you have kids" she piped up
"And watch your language" she yelled as the male was walking away from her room making her sigh
"Your something special" she said rolling her eyes and locking the door

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