diving headfirst

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Katsuki sighed walking home from the hospital
"Fuck I like her don't I" he internally asked himself his hands stuffed into his pockets then pulled out his phone "All Might had given
(y/n) her school stuff so she must have her phone" Katsuki thought pulling out his own phone and started to type away, sighing softly he hit send

Katsuki sighed walking home from the hospital"Fuck I like her don't I" he internally asked himself his hands stuffed into his pockets then pulled out his phone "All Might had given(y/n) her school stuff so she must have her phone" Katsuki thought ...

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"Damn she better be out soon it's definitely fucking stressful" he grunts making his way home. Once he arrived back at home he walked over to Emica

 Once he arrived back at home he walked over to Emica

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Putting down his phone Katsuki sat in front of Emica and started to play with her and her toys "Ba da" the little baby cheered seeing Katsuki "Yeah I'm here" he said holding up a toy and making it walk around her, Emica cheered giggling and clappi...

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Putting down his phone Katsuki sat in front of Emica and started
to play with her and her toys
"Ba da" the little baby cheered
seeing Katsuki
"Yeah I'm here" he said holding up a toy and making it walk around her,
Emica cheered giggling and clapping her hands
"Your something special too" Katsuki hummed thinking about how similar Emica was to (y/n) in her own little way.
Suddenly a little ding came from the ash blonde male's phone, it was a text message from (y/n)

Katsuki smiled softly picking up emica and placing her in his lap "Your mom will be back tomorrow" he told her as she started to fall asleep in his arms "Oh my baby is in love~" Mitsuki cooed taking a seat on the chair next to the couch her son wa...

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Katsuki smiled softly picking up emica and placing her in his lap
"Your mom will be back tomorrow" he told her as she started to fall asleep in his arms
"Oh my baby is in love~" Mitsuki cooed taking a seat on the chair next to the couch her son was on
"What are you talking about old hag" Katsuki growled at his mother
"Your in love with (y/n) it's so easy to see and she's in love with you too" she told her son who's cheeks were slightly red
"Well how the duck
do you know what love is" he asked curiously but with aggression

Mitsuki sighed shaking her head
"There are many definition of love because everyone has their
own, for me it's diving headfirst into someone else's confusion and
finding that it all makes sense"  she told him
"Finding my own definition of love is when I knew what love was" she finished
Katsuki was shocked for the first time in his opinion his mother's advice made sense
"W-whatever" he grunts looking away from her and to Emica.
Mitsuki sighed smiling softly at her son who was being so gentle with Emica letting the little girl play with his fingers as she started to fall asleep
"Your the father figure in her life now Katsuki, she may not be your child by blood but in her eyes she's your daughter by heart your gonna have to protect her from everything this world has to swing at her from heartbreak and bullies" his mother told him standing up from her chair and walking away upstairs to her bedroom
"I protect her and (y/n) from anything this god damn world has to give" Katsuki thought watching as Emica finally fell asleep
"I would definitely like to be her father figure" he thought taking in what had mother said
"For a dumb old hag she has not terrible advice" he grunts standing up and carrying Emica upstairs to his room to change her into her pyjamas and putting her in the old portable crib his mother had kept since he was a baby 

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