"Fucking stylish"

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Katsuki woke up early in the middle of the
night to the sound of a young child whimpering. The grumbling teen sat up and looked over at the crib with a sad sigh as he heard her cry a bit louder.
Walking over to the crib he picked up Emica
"Shhh don't cry kid" he whispered rocking her gently in his arms.

Eventually the small baby calmed down and went back to sleep
"I know you miss your mom, she's fine I promise you" he mumbled putting Emica back in the crib
"I'll protect you both from fucking everything even if your mom doesn't need to be protected" he said to the sleeping child that he was watching in the crib.
After a couple of minutes katsuki went back over to his bed and laid down
"Those two fucking girls have made me soft" he thought getting comfortable in his bed once again.

The gentle kisses of the morning suns glow entered the teen's room and greeted his face gently stirring him away
from slumber and back into reality. Katsuki sat up and stretched
"Fuck" he mumbled rubbing his eyes and crawling out of his bed he went over and picked Emica up from the crib
"Morning you little creature" he said watching as she grabbed onto his thumb

"We are gonna to go visit your mom and get her out of the hospital" katsuki told Emica as he placed her on
his bed "I need to get you changed first" he mumbled walking over and grabbing the bag he brought from (y/n)'s house. Katsuki opened up the bag and pulled out an outfit

"Fucking stylish" Katsuki chirped with a smirk as he pulled the clothes onto Emica, the little girl giggled at katsuki before she said "bada" happily grabbing at the teen "I need to get ready now so you need to go see the old hag" katsuki told Emi...

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"Fucking stylish" Katsuki chirped with a smirk as he pulled the clothes onto Emica, the little girl giggled at katsuki before she said "bada" happily grabbing at the teen
"I need to get ready now so you need to go see the old hag" katsuki told Emica picking her up and leaving his room
"Old hag take Emi for me" katsuki grumbled giving Emica to his mother who eagerly took the baby
Watching as her son stormed back upstairs

"Don't worry katsuki will be back he's just getting changed, now why don't we get you something to eat" Mitsuki asked Emica who just babbled back at her
"Aww your so cute!, I miss having a little baby to care for" Mitsuki cooed setting Emica into the high chair

Katsuki went back downstairs after 10 minutes or so just in time for Mitsuki to be finished breakfast
"Perfect you came down just in time" Mitsuki chimed setting three plates down and giving a bowl to Emica, Masaru
came into the kitchen and sat at the table too "how wonderful now let's all eat" Mitsuki said as everyone started to eat.

Once breakfast was over katsuki picked up Emica and slipped on his own shoes
"I'll be back later with (y/n)" he grumbled walking out the door carrying Emica as they were on their way to see (y/n)

Surprise I'm back!!! Hope yall like this :)))

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