*•.¸♡ Chapter Eighteen ♡¸.•*

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Third-person point of view

You narrowed your eyes at Daejon and the two bimbos. Your eyes fall down to your predicament, a small sigh escaping your lips. "Do you really think this could actually hold me down??" You whisper loud enough for them all to hear. Daejon rolls his eyes. "Of course they are. You're nothing but a pathetic little worm. Who gets in people's way!" Daejon childishly shouts. A wide smirk appearing on your lips. "Ironic isn't it?"

Daejon's eyebrows sharpen as he clenched his fists. "Ha Ha Ha." Daejon grumbles out. "But let the games commence." Daejon makes his way towards the door. While he makes his way to the door, Both Keigo and Dabi were making their way towards you. Drool leaving down their lips, their pupils were blown out, and their stance staggering as they stumbled towards you. You begin to calculate the outcome of all of this. 

You knew that Daejon most likely drugged the two which is why they were acting so animal-like. "To think you two were actually strong? A damn shame," By the time the two were an inch away from you, you were quick enough to get out of the binds. But you weren't quick enough to evade their attack. They both jumped at you, tackling you to the ground. You let out a low grunt at the impact of your head colliding with the floor. 

"I will get you two back for that." You growl under your breath. Your eyes shot up to the two who were at the moment running their hands all over your body. "What am I? A whore?" You quickly push the two away. Propelling your feet to kick both of their chests. They both fly through the room, slamming against the wall. Your upper lip sticking upwards to show your disgust. "Idiots, All Idiots." You make your way towards them. 

Your broad shoulders and long legs gave you a great advantage since you were in fact taller than both Keigo and Dabi, Sadly for them. You looked down at the two. Grabbing them at the collar while they reached out to try to touch you further. "I have a loving boyfriend waiting for me guys. So stop fooling around." You growl, using your strength to knock their heads against another. 

The harsh force has caused them to be immobile for a moment or at least the whole day. You make quick haste to the door, just to find out its lock. You groan out in response. "Of course." You muttered to yourself. You grab the doorknob and break it down with brute force. The door breaks off its hinges and you peek your head out of the door. You glance back at Keigo and Dabi, who were on the floor. 

"I guess I'll come back for you guys later." You muttered before leaving down the dark hallway. 

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