'•.,¸¸,.•'¯ Chapter Nine ¯'•.,¸¸,.•'

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Third Person Point of View

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Third Person Point of View

YN stood outside of the L.O.V hideout. He was wearing his villain suit. His black kitsune mask covering his face. His black cloak went over his head. Under his cloak was his white suit. He reached for the door with his white gloves.

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When he opens the door everyone turns to face him

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When he opens the door everyone turns to face him. "Well, Hello Cat boy!" Toga cheers, her hands up in the arm in excitement. YN rolled his eyes from the inside of the mask. He walks through. "Don't call me that." He grumbles. Dabi smirks as he watched YN sit at the bar. "Alright, Why did you call me here? And why Dabi of all people?" YN growls. Dabi saunters over, sitting right behind YN. "Oh, Come on. Don't act like you didn't like it." Dabi purrs in YN's ear. YN turns around to glare at Dabi. "You guys may know my name but do you even know what's my quirk?" YN snaps. Shigaraki sat on the other side of YN. "That's why we called you here. We are aware that you know each of our quirks. Our names and history. We only know your name. You're very good at covering up your tracks." Shigaraki mutters as Kurogiri slid him a drink.

YN looked at the glass. A smirk on his lips, he knew the drink was actually apple juice. "Yes, I am aware of my skills." YN states proudly. Dabi flicks his head. "Don't get all cocky." Dabi whispers. YN turns to Dabi once again. "Dabi, I swear to god. You burnt piece of fucking toast, If you don't know my quirk why would you tease me dumbass. For all you know I can kill you with the flick of my damn wrist." YN snaps, standing up from his chair. Everyone went silent. There eyes all on YN, watching him for anything. Toga was twirling her knife between her fingers. Twice wasn't really paying attention, he was remembering a episode of Mr. Pickle. A goofy smile was on his lips. Spinner was glaring at YN. Shigaraki began to scratch his neck, the anixety of the next move got to him. Dabi had an amused expression on his face, his lips pulled up into a dark smirk. "Oh?" Dabi breaks the silence. He too standing up.

YN stood tall over Dabi by a mere 4 or more inches. YN was kind of a giant but Dabi wasn't going to back down. "You want to take this outside-" Before Dabi could finish, YN shot his head up. His eyes searching the room. "What is it?" Dabi questions, his eyes swirled in confusion. YN's eyes darkened. "You didn't tell me you had a hero here." The league were surprised. He wasn't even in the room. "How do you know that?" Shigaraki demands. YN scoffs in disgust. "So there's actually a hero here? I should have known." YN grumbles. "Dabi, Grab him." Dabi did just that, slamming YN against the wall. Shigaraki got up and stood before YN. Shigaraki's red eyes narrowed at YN. "You're going to tell me. How did you know?" Shigaraki growls out.

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