•?((¯°·._.• Chapter Eleven •._.·°¯))؟•

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𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖉 𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝕻𝖔𝖎𝖓𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖁𝖎𝖊𝖜

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𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖉 𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝕻𝖔𝖎𝖓𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖁𝖎𝖊𝖜

When Dabi came back with Hawks, YN couldn't help but burst into laughter. "What's so funny?" Shigaraki glares at YN. YN clutches his stomach as he lets out laughter. "Y-You guys got the bird? No wonder why it smelled like chicken. Are you guys planning on eating him or some shit?" YN jokingly states. Hawks raises an eyebrow. "That's sounds very suggestive." Hawks states. 

YN quickly looks up at Hawks, a shocked expression on his face. "Uh..." YN and Hawks exchange glances. Hawks had a more flirty vibe while YN gave off a disgusted vibe. "Anyway, Why is he here?" YN questions Shigaraki. "He's helping us with our plans." Shigaraki explains, intertwining his hands and resting his head on his hands. YN quickly moves next to Shigaraki, slamming his hands on the table. 

"Are you serious? He's a hero, There is no way you can trust him! He can always turn his back on you guys." YN growls out. "Oh, You don't have to worry about that. Even if he does turn his back on us. He will never be able to become a hero ever again. He gave that up once he killed Beast Jeanist." Dabi smirks, nudging Hawk's shoulder. Hawks rolls his eyes. "He isn't wrong." Hawks grumble. 

YN turns sharply towards Hawks and Dabi. "Oh, I see now." A small smirk grew on his lips, nobody was able to see it because of his mask. But they were aware due to the smug pose he made. "So the little bird is stuck in a trap. I didn't think you guys were THAT good." YN states smugly. He had shrugged his shoulders. A small 'tch' came from Shigaraki. "We aren't idiots, Dominique." Shigaraki states harshly. 

"Yeah, Yeah." YN shoves his hands into his jacket pocket. His glowing eyes meets Hawk's brown eyes. "I'll be watching you. They may trust you or whatever but my guard will never be down." YN states firmly. Hawks lets out a 'heh' at the proclaim. 

"Now, We told you about the hero. Tell us about your quirk." Shigaraki turns to YN. Everybody had turned to YN once again. YN rolls his eyes. "I'll give you a hint." Shigaraki narrows his eyes at YN. A loud sigh escaped his lips. Fine, Fine. I'll even show the hero. Because even if you know my quirk, there is nothing that can stop it. I am inevitable." YN chuckles darkly. 

"Ya down yet?" Dabi questions cheekily. "Look ever since I watch Avengers Infinity War. I had to say it! But yes I'm done." YN shrugs off his white suit. They watched his basically undress. "What are you doing?" Hawks questioned YN. YN takes off his mask, revealing his face. The league and Hawks were taken aback by his beauty. 'What the fuck...' Hawks muttered to himself. 'How can someone so pretty be a villain?' Shigaraki questioned himself. 

YN closes his eyes as he rolls up his sleeves. "Shigaraki, I'm going to need you for this." Shigaraki raises an eyebrow in confusion. YN's lip pulls up into a sadistic smirk. "Touch me and use your quirk." Dabi's eyes widened and he moved forwards. "Are you crazy?" Dabi shouts. Toga had a crazy smile on her lips as she watched. YN's glowing red eyes turn to Dabi. "Maybe." He winks at Dabi and turns back to Shigaraki. 

"Do it." YN licks his sharp vampire like teeth. Shigaraki looks at YN's arm then up at YN's face. Shigaraki sighs and leans towards YN. Placing all five of his fingers on YN's forearm. But nothing happened. Shigaraki tensed hands relaxed as he felt up YN's arm. Shigaraki was able to feel up YN's arm with all five of his fingers. He felt YN's pumping veins. "You have immortality?" Hawks questions YN nervously. He knew his quirk would be something but this. This now was ridiculous. How were anyone going to actually get him if he was immortal. "Not only that." YN chuckles. 

Hawks was screaming in the inside. How the hell were they supposed to take down this villain if he had more fucking quirks? "I can fly in my second form." YN takes Shigaraki hands off his arm. Shigaraki's cheeks heated up. He accidentally forgot about his hand. "I'll show you all. And maybe the strongest of you all can fight me." An excited glint sparkles in YN's eyes. 

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