ཧᜰ꙰ꦿ➢Chapter Twenty-Four༒

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Author's Point of View

The very next morning, Shoto woke up to the smell of something wonderful. He slowly opens his eyes to reveal you standing before him with an apron around your neck. A wide grin was on your lips as you held out a tray of food.

"Well, Good morning to you."

Shoto's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What's with the sudden courtesy?" He asked you. In which you shrug your shoulders. You place the plate of food on the bedside table. "I owe you an apology and a reason as to why I left all of a sudden. I can't even tell you the reason as to why." Shoto's eyes narrowed at your words. He hated the fact that you were hiding something from him. But soon it wouldn't matter because he would find out one way or another. 

"Is there anything you want to do today? I can take you out to eat. We can go to an amusement park even. Anything you want." Shoto perks up at the sound of that. He would love to say he wanted to know what he was hiding. But he decided to indulge in you once again. "I would like for you to meet my friends. There is going to be a social event happening. I would like it if you were my date for it." You smile at the sound of that. 

"Of course." You take Shoto's hand and place a soft kiss on top of it. Shoto grins at this showcase of affection. "Thank you. And you don't have to worry, All my friends will be nice." You chuckle. "I'm not worried about them. They should be more worried about us. My hands won't be off of you for a moment during this event." Shoto's lips parted at the implication of your words. His left side beginning to burn up and his right was turning ice cold. He didn't know what else to say, flustered by your words. 

You chuckle at his adorable reaction. "You always give the best reactions, Shoto. Makes me love you even more." Shoto cowers in your warmth. "Stop teasing and just go get ready." Shoto hides his own face in your chest, casting his head downwards to avoid eye contact. You let out another fit of laughter. Shoto could hear the way your heart thumped against your chest, it soothed him. Yet he must let go due to his own actions. "Ok, Ok. I'll get ready right now."

You were quick to get ready. You had a white button-up and black slacks and shiny black shoes. It was messy but the messy look made your appearance seem sharp. Shoto had something similar but it was neatly ironed and pressed to give it a professional sharp look. "We have to hurry or we will be late." You nod, grabbing your wallet and keys, your phone in hand as you lock the door. "I hope your friends don't tear me apart." You nervously laugh. The only friend you met of Shoto was Izuku and Izuku seemed really cool. You didn't mind him but you also have to remember that his friends are heroes and you frankly are a villain hiding in civilian life. 

What if one of them figures out his identity? It would ruin the relationship between you and Shoto but you couldn't think much of it as you turned your car on. Shoto was in the passenger seat on the phone with Izuku to inform everyone that the two were arriving soon. When the two of you arrived, Izuku and some girl were quick to greet the both of you. "Shoto, so glad you made it!" The brown-haired lady stated with pure joy. "Momo had booked the whole restaurant so no one could hear our very private information." Izuku nudges Shoto softly, sending him a wink as well. You had caught the little exchange, yet you kept to yourself as you introduced yourself to the brown-haired lady. 

She was eager to tell you her name and how glad that Shoto had found someone as handsome and kind as you. If only she knew the full story is what you thought. "Nice to see you again, Izuku." You place your hand out to shake Izuku, who gleefully accepted the handshake. "I'm glad you could make it. Everyone is excited to meet you. You are practically all they have been talking about for the few minutes they've been here." You grin at this. "I had no clue my appearance was of such importance to big and important people like you all. I am even surprised that Shoto even gave me the time and day." Izuku leads the way to the table where everyone was seating. 

Once you were there you had excitedly waved at everyone but there was a certain blonde who had shot straight glares your way. You didn't know what to do since you just arrived and did absolutely nothing to this man. You ignore it and kindly pull a chair out for Shoto. Once you seat Shoto gently, you sit down yourself. The sound of small aw's is heard from the people around you. 

Katsuki narrowed his eyes at you. He heard a lot of things about you from Izuku. Eijirou had nudged Katsuki's arm. "Come on, man. Be nice." Katsuki lets out an angered huff. "I don't have to listen to you." Even though he had said that his angered brows lowered. His eyes don't leave your body, reading all of your movements. Once everyone had sat down at the table, they introduced themselves to you. The last person left was of course the Katsuki Bakugo. Your eyes land on Katsuki as you await his introduction. 

"I don't need to explain who I am to a nobody like him." Izuku sends a sharp glare to Katsuki's way and as a result, Katsuki falters. "Katsuki Bakugo, Dynamight." A smug grin was on your face. "This is what the Dynamight is like in person. Very... interesting I would say." Katsuki's eyebrows twitched in annoyance. "What do you mean by that?" An angered shout escapes his lips. "Don't worry, it's a compliment, depending on how you see it of course." You shrug your shoulders. 

Katsuki abruptly stood up, the palm of his hand beginning to warm up. "Are those fighting words, pretty boy?" Katsuki snarls, lifting his heating up a hand as a warning. "What? Of course not, But threatening a civilian? That is a serious crime, Mr. Dynamight. Let me guess, the name was inspired by All Might?" Katsuki was only seconds away from lunging towards you across the table. The only thing that was keeping him back was the firm clutch Izuku had on his dress shirt. Giving him a clear warning to not pick a fight with Shoto's boyfriend. 

After a while of having a staring contest with you, Katsuki sat back down in his chair. You stand up, as a way for everyone at the table could see you. "Well, It is time for me to introduce myself." You give them your name. "I work in a coffee shop which is where Shoto and I originally met. He asked for my number and of course, I gave it to him. I am still shocked that you allowed me to join you guys during this night where you can be discussing very important things like villains-" Katsuki had cut you off. "Yeah like Dominique." You stay silent and just smile. "Yes, Like that terrorist."

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