•'¯'•. Chapter Twenty .•'¯'•

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Author's Point of View

After leaving the League of Villains where they tried to get you to stay, you make your way home. Which was where ever Shoto is. You wander the streets, making your way to Shoto's place with lack of direction and consciousness. Your mind completely blank as you walk down the streets.

You weren't really aware of where you were walking. Which was down the road. A car ahead of you but you currently weren't focusing. Like an idiot you continued to walk into the direction of the car. It didn't take long for the car to bump you. Luckily it wasn't a deadly push, only knocking you to the ground. A groan escaping your lips as you clutch your stomach.

You could hear the rush of feet and a slam of the door. "YN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" You heard Shoto's voice rip through the air, surprising you. You perk up quickly to see both Shoto and Izuku rushing towards your body. You didn't know why but you yelled. "WHAT THE FUCK-! YOU RAN ME OVER!" Izuku and Shoto were both shock by your sudden outburst.

"YOU WERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET! WHAT DID YOU EXPECT??!" Shoto replies, dropping to your height. His worried eyes scanning over your body, examining your wounds. "Why are you so beat up?" Izuku questions. Your quiet and avoid eye contact with the two. Shoto and Izuku share a glance. "It doesn't matter. Let's take you home and let you rest." You didn't say much as both Shoto and Izuku help you into the car. Izuku drove you both home while Shoto was in the back with you. Patching you up with the med kit he kept in his car.

Shoto ran his hands softly over your wounds. "You scared me you know?" He whispered, his words making your eyes soften. You opened your mouth then closed it. You let out a sigh as you run your hand through your hair. "I'm sorry. I was caught up with some family issues." Shoto's eyes brightened. "You never really told me about your family." Shoto's hand falling over your own. A smile formed on your lips. "I got my mom but she's in a hospital. Caught some rare illness of some sort. And my dad... Well he's a idiot shitbag."

"I'm sorry to hear about your parents. My mom is... also in the hospital." You turn to Shoto, your hold on his hand tightening. "Why don't we visit them both?" A goofy grin on your face. "I bet my mom would be delighted to see me with someone as cute as you." Your compliment caught Shoto off guard. His cheeks warming up and a shy grin formed on his lips. "I...I'm glad you think so." He whispers.

The grin on your lips widened at his shy expression. "Why wouldn't I think so? You're so fucking adorable." You push Shoto into your arms. The pain you felt shot all throughout your body but you could barely feel it. The only thing you felt was Shoto's warm and cold body against your own.

𝓑𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓫𝓫𝓮𝓻  ˢ. ᵀᵒᵈᵒʳᵒᵏⁱ (going through editing)Where stories live. Discover now