•••'º'•» Chapter Twenty-Three «•'º'•••

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Author's Point of View

Shoto's grip on your arm was tight once you moved closer to him. Shoto's breath was shaky and uneven while yours was focused and slow. Your lips were running down Shoto's neck in haste. Shoto watched you as you marked up his body. After a while, you removed yourself from Shoto's neck which is now littered with slightly dark spots. A satisfied grin was placed upon your lips. "A masterpiece I tell you."

Shoto's half-lidded eyes look up at you, his eyes swirled with an unknown emotion to you. You didn't know what it showed but it made you feel good. It made you want to embrace him quicker. It made you want to fuck him against a wall. To show who he belongs to. Which is in fact you. But little did you know that it worked both ways. He was just as much yours as you were his. You just didn't know that yet.

You watch Shoto wrap his leg around your waist, closing his legs to make you fall into him. Your hands trapped his head between another. "If you wanted to play, you could have just said so." You chuckle. You give him a small kiss on his cheek before you place your head into his ear. "Did you miss me, Shoto?" You question him. There was spit stuck at the back of Shoto's throat but his mouth was dry. He would be lying if he said he didn't miss you.

He missed you dearly. You had him worried sick. You should make it up to him. You have to make it up to him. 

"Come on, I can't hear you." Shoto's eyebrows furrowed. "Stop teasing me! You know I missed you. You just suddenly disappeared and you won't really tell me why." You slightly move your head back at his sudden burst. You didn't really see that coming but the furious expression on Shoto's face was worth it. The way his eyebrows furrowed and his cheeks slightly puff up as he grimaces. You might actually be falling in love.

You quickly shake your head at this. You can't really have a lover. Not in the business you're in. And not only that but what if villains find out your partner is a superhero? Nobody would respect you or hell even try to kill Shoto. You knew the situation as soon as you entered this relationship with Shoto Todoroki. Your eyes lock onto Shoto's face trying to make sense of the future. He began to wonder where you guys would be.

What would happen if Shoto found out? You felt your body being shaken, you quickly blink out of thought and turn to Shoto. "As much as I want for us to continue. I don't think you're doing so good." Shoto explains, his hand moving towards your cheek. You silently nod your head. Shoto then takes your head and places it on his lap. "You know you can tell me anything that bothers you right?" 

His words make all your movement stop, even your own breathing. "I trust you. And I hope you trust me as well. I won't do anything that may hurt you. I wouldn't even try it. So please feel comfortable with me." You could only nod your head. You look up into his eyes, moving out of his hold so you can cup your hands around his cheeks. A warm grin on your lips as you kiss his forehead. 

"Of course. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. There is just a lot on my mind. And you don't have to worry about it. I got everything under control. And If I don't, I'll go to you." Shoto's lips curve into a small smile. "Promise?" He questions you. "Promise." You both seal the promise with a kiss. 

𝓑𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓫𝓫𝓮𝓻  ˢ. ᵀᵒᵈᵒʳᵒᵏⁱ (going through editing)Where stories live. Discover now