'•.,¸¸,.•'¯ Chapter Twenty-One ¯'•.,¸¸,.•'

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Author's Point Of View

When you awoke in the morning, you had a head-splitting headache. You slowly rise up in bed. You're confused when you feel the warmth upon your hand and open your eyes to see Shoto sleeping in a chair next to you. He looked so at peace and calm, it made your cold heart stir for once. Your grip on Shoto's hand tightens a bit, waking him up in the process. 

Your name came out of Shoto's lips softly. "You're awake." You give Shoto a goofy grin. "What?  You thought ya killed me?" Shoto's soft expression darkens, surprising you. "Do you think that's funny?" Shoto harshly states, ripping his hand away from your own. Your eyebrows twitch at Shoto's sudden change. 

"I mean, Coming close to death is funny to me. Especially knowing I won't succumb to such a lame way of dying." You shrug your shoulders, crossing your arms. "What's your problem?" You question him. Shoto's eyes narrowed at you. "What's MY problem? What is your problem?! Where have you been? Why haven't you told me you were ok?" Shoto's voice grew softer and softer the more he talked. 

His head was down so he could hide the tears streaming down his cheeks. "I-I was so worried. I didn't know where you were." Shoto sobs, his fist clenched into fists as he cries into them. You were frozen. You didn't expect this to happen. Your mouth opened and then closed. Fuck, Comfort him dumbass! You shouted to yourself. 

It has been so long since you have been around anyone vulnerable or been vulnerable yourself. Hiding your true emotions is just a part of the job of being strong. You wrapped your arms around Shoto's smaller body. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you where I was. I didn't mean to make you worry about me." 

Shoto buried his face into your chest, his grip on your back tight. Unbeknownst to you, Shoto's 'tears' dried as he rubbed up into your comfort. "I missed you." He whispers while he moves his head into your neck. He inhales your scent creating a smile on your lips. "You can't leave me. I won't take it nicely." 

You chuckle at his words. "Yes, I have come to terms with that. I'm sorry, Sho." You shuffle your way to kiss Shoto's forehead. But you didn't really know to the extent Shoto meant. Shoto breaks the hug to look up at you. "Let's go eat, Breakfast." Your lips curl into a cunning smirk. "Where am I going? If my breakfast is right here."

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